[NEohioPAL]Another solution (workaround) to NEohioPAL "digest" problem...

FSternfeld at aol.com FSternfeld at aol.com
Tue Aug 14 22:56:00 PDT 2001

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In addition to the solution I sent out this morning, several people have 
e-mailed me with another idea. Here it is......

Just set up a rule in your e-mail program:
(Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express & Hotmail have this option. Others may as 
well -- you will need to check yours)  

to move all e-mails from "neohiopal-request at lists.fredsternfeld.com" to a 
certain folder and then access that folder as your personal "digest."


to move all e-mails with [NEohioPAL] in the subject line to a certain folder 
and then access that folder as your personal "digest."

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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT  SIZE=3>In addition to the solution I sent out this morning, several people have 
<BR>e-mailed me with another idea. Here it is......
<BR></FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=4 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"><B>Just set up a </FONT><FONT  COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=4 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">rule</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=4 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"> in your e-mail program:
<BR></B><I>(Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express & Hotmail have this option. Others may as 
<BR>well -- you will need to check yours)</I> <B> 
<BR>to move all e-mails from </FONT><FONT  COLOR="#008000" SIZE=4 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">"neohiopal-request at lists.fredsternfeld.com"</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=4 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"> to a 
<BR>certain folder and then access that folder as your personal "digest."
<BR>to move all e-mails with </FONT><FONT  COLOR="#008000" SIZE=4 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">[NEohioPAL]</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=4 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"> in the subject line to a certain folder 
<BR>and then access that folder as your personal "digest."


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