[NEohioPAL]Voices needed for demo of new musical

FLissauer at aol.com FLissauer at aol.com
Wed Sep 5 17:01:31 PDT 2001

Completing  CD demo of a new musical, THE CHEMISTRY SET.  Recording at 
Swinging Cane Productions, Parma. Will pay $20.00 per song and a copy of the 
finished CD.
[Book, music and lyrics by Fredric Lissauer]


MARGO ROSE      A 14 year old jewish girl: Greenwich Village, 1943.  
Especially bright                   for her age, bubbly, brassy, but 
sensitive.  Strong voice!, and must                     be able to sing and 
speak with a defined New York accent.   
                    4 1/2 songs.  Range: bflat to f"

EDITH ROSE      MARGO'S mother; a woman in her late forties. Warm, 
unintenionally                  ironical. Pleasing, assuring voice with a lot 
of definite character.                          Must be able to sing and 
speak with a defined New York accent.
                    2 1/2 songs.  Range: bflat to f"

MORRIS ROSE     MARGO'S father; a man in his early fifties.  Old wine, 
barrel-chested                  baritone. Calm and philosophic, with the 
twinkling eye of humor!
                    Must be able to sing and speak with a defined New York 
                    1 1/2 songs.  Range d to e'     

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