[NEohioPAL]MURDER IN MIND opens tonight...@ Dobama's Night Kitchen!

Boyte/Kilbane eddan at mindspring.com
Sat Jan 26 21:02:01 PST 2002

MURDER IN MIND at Dobama's Night Kitchen

written by David Bell, Mike Geither, Christopher Johnston, and Leah Krauss

direction/dramaturgy Greg Vovos

featuring Jeff Blanchard, Joy Daniels, John Guerra, and Christine Nicholl

produced by Dan Kilbane

conceived by David Bell

Meet four characters who are intimately involved in a series of  murders:
The Serial Killer, a dangerously determined and motivated man, a Young
Victim trying to kick start her life, another Victim who is trying to renew
her life, and an Eyewitness, a man in his 30s with a piercing eye for

Also, check out our website for more info.!  www.nightkitchen.org

Dobama's Night Kitchen
1846 Coventry Rd.
Cleveland Heights, OH  44118
resos.:  216/932-3396

LUCKY SEASON #7!  Get lucky tonight...

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