[NEohioPAL]Corrected Audition date: Prelude2Cinema TV Series on Sunday, March 31st at NCCC

Alexcine at aol.com Alexcine at aol.com
Wed Feb 20 13:13:06 PST 2002

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Audition date is Sunday, March 31, 2002

Prelude2Cinema will be producing a TV Series titled "Out of Darkness." It is 
based on Alex P. Michaels' Emmy winning TV Movie, "What Angels Fear."  
Auditions for "Out of Darkness" will be held Sunday, March 31st from 1pm to 
5pm at North Coast Central Casting at 4913 Storer Ave. Cleveland, OH 44102

The TV Series is expected to begin production in late May 2002 and is 
described as "NYPD Blue" meets "The X-Files."  

Lead role is a Hispanic female cop. Must be athletic. Other roles will 
include cops, lawyers and the usual suspects.  Prelude2Cinema will also be 
looking for crew, writers and directors for future episodes. Crew and talent 
will be compensated.

A synopsis of the pilot, characters description for the pilot and a Flash 
promo can be found at <A HREF="http://www.prelude2cinema.com/dark.htm">www.prelude2cinema.com/dark.htm</A>

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Audition date is Sunday, March 31, 2002<BR>
Prelude2Cinema will be producing a TV Series titled "Out of Darkness." It is based on Alex P. Michaels' Emmy winning TV Movie, "What Angels Fear."  Auditions for "Out of Darkness" will be held Sunday, March 31st from 1pm to 5pm at North Coast Central Casting at 4913 Storer Ave. Cleveland, OH 44102<BR>
The TV Series is expected to begin production in late May 2002 and is described as "NYPD Blue" meets "The X-Files."  <BR>
Lead role is a Hispanic female cop. Must be athletic. Other roles will include cops, lawyers and the usual suspects.  Prelude2Cinema will also be looking for crew, writers and directors for future episodes. Crew and talent will be compensated.<BR>
A synopsis of the pilot, characters description for the pilot and a Flash promo can be found at <A HREF="http://www.prelude2cinema.com/dark.htm">www.prelude2cinema.com/dark.htm</A></FONT></HTML>


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