[NEohioPAL]Are you getting e-mail from neohiopal this week?

FSternfeld at aol.com FSternfeld at aol.com
Thu Jun 6 13:46:02 PDT 2002

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Huge chunks of the list have not received neohiopal mail since monday. It 
appears to be primarily aol and hotmail accounts.  Hostway has asked me if 
there are any patterns to who receives mail and who doesn't.

If you get this e-mail please reply and tell me that you received it.

Fred Sternfeld

PS -- if you know people who have not received their neohiopal mail this 
week, tell them to go to my website and find the link to the archives, as all 
the postings are in the archives.  You can also forward them this link:   <A HREF="http://lists.fredsternfeld.com/pipermail/neohiopal/">The 
NEohioPAL Archives</A> 

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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT  SIZE=3 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"><B>Hi<BR>
Huge chunks of the list have not received neohiopal mail since monday. It appears to be primarily aol and hotmail accounts.  Hostway has asked me if there are any patterns to who receives mail and who doesn't.<BR>
If you get this e-mail please reply and tell me that you received it.<BR>
Fred Sternfeld<BR>
PS -- if you know people who have not received their neohiopal mail this week, tell them to go to my website and find the link to the archives, as all the postings are in the archives.  You can also forward them this link:   <A HREF="http://lists.fredsternfeld.com/pipermail/neohiopal/">The NEohioPAL Archives</A> </B></FONT></HTML>


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