[NEohioPAL]Indie Cleveland forms Yahoo Group

Alexcine at aol.com Alexcine at aol.com
Sat Dec 28 11:07:02 PST 2002

Indie Cleveland has formed a Yahoo! Group so people can post info, audition notices, headshots, production pictures and whatever they wish related to making Cleveland a movie community. The group is open to anyone and is located at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/indiecleveland/

For those who are not familiar with Yahoo groups, here is some info:

"Yahoo! Groups is a free service that allows you to bring together family, friends, and associates through a web site and email group. Yahoo! Groups offer a convenient way to connect with others who share the same interests and ideas.

There are millions of groups that you can join in an easy-to-use, privacy-protected, and spam-protected environment. You can use the Yahoo! Groups service at our web site or through any email program."

Also, Indie Cleveland is hard at work on its first major program: The Indie Cleveland Production Workshop(ICPW). There will be a new site for it in January 2003, so people can sign up right over the web. 

For the latest news on the ICPW, go to http://www.prelude2cinema.com/indie/ICPW-UPDATES.HTML

New networking meetings for Indie Cleveland will begin after January 
2003. We hope all have a great new year. Keep the Faith.

Indie Cleveland Founder
Alex P. Michaels

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