[NEohioPAL]Rave Review for VERONICA'S ROOM at Cassidy

cpflds at mindspring.com cpflds at mindspring.com
Thu Apr 3 22:56:50 PST 2003

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<DIV><FONT size=5>'Veronica's Room'  opens at Cassidy </FONT><FONT size=4>by Ellen Darling</FONT></DIV>
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<DIV>It just might be one of the best kept secrets of the local theatre community if the production of "Veronica's Room" in the Downunder Cafe in the Cassidy Theatre, which opened on March 28, is any indication.</DIV>
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<DIV>"Veronica's Room" by Ira Levin is a psychological chiller-thriller set in a bedroom of an old house near Boston in 1973.  This small cast play is perfect for the intimate ambiance of the Downunder Cafe, my favorite kind of theatre space from both sides of the proscenium.  The reason is, of course, that the audience is drawn into the action.  You become part of it.  There is no "esthetic distance," no "fourth wall".   Personally, I prefer it that way.</DIV>
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<DIV>A young college student is lured by two old "darlings" with Irish brogues to an old mansion on the pretext of helping out their ailing mistress, who is deep in the throes of dementia.  The Girl is to pretend to be a long dead sister, thus making the old dear happy before she too passes away.  You know something is amiss as soon as you hear the ominous sound of the sliding bolt on the other side of the door of Veronica's room, leaving the girl alone in this eerie setting.  What happens next has enough surprise twists and turns to keep you gasping in horrified surprise until the very end.</DIV>
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<DIV>Linda Kindsvatter as The Girl is terrific--a realistic mixture of sophomoric girlishness to the terror of being a helpless victim in the sinister scheme of her abductors.  Veteran actor Dick Klimaszewski as The Man turns in a solid performance as usual, which helps explain how he has won so many best actor awards.  Michael A. Kunikis plays The Young Man, The Girl's amiable companion who turns out to be not so amiable after all.</DIV>
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<DIV>But the real surprise is Rita Poling's performance as The Woman.  Those of us who know Rita as the congenial hostess and cheerleader of most of the theatres in the area, will not believe what they see as she becomes the menacing and, yes, murderous character of The Woman.  She's wonderful!</DIV>
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<DIV>All of the characters except The Girl go through character changes that involve a time warp, but these actors are up to the challenge.  I thank them, their director, Lenne Snively, and the crew for a memorable evening at the Downunder Cafe.</DIV>
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<DIV>The audience is treated to dessert, created by Sharon Marschall, at small round tables.  I suggest you get there early enough to enjoy before the show, as you will be too engrossed to take another bite before intermission. By the way, the cake was delicious!</DIV>
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<DIV>"Veronica's Room" plays through April 13.  Call (440) 842-4600 for tickets.  The Cassidy Theatre is at 6200 Pearl Road, Parma Heights.</DIV>
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