[NEohioPAL]WVIZ/PBS APPLAUSE segments for April 17

Benepe-Nelson, Tamme tnelson at WVIZ.org
Wed Apr 16 10:29:33 PDT 2003

Thursday on APPLAUSE airing at 7:30 p.m. on WVIZ/PBS with host Dee Perry
(Repeats Saturday at 5:30 p.m.)

	*	All-City Musical - Students from the Cleveland Municipal School =
District are getting ready to take to the stage for this year's All-City =
Musical production of Leonard Bernstein's classic West Side Story.  John =
Eby, Director of Arts Education for the Cleveland Municipal School =
District, and Tony Sias, Director of West Side Story, join APPLAUSE to =
talk about the production.  West Side Story runs from May 27th through =
June 1st at the Ohio Theater.

	*	Where the Heart is - If you rearrange the letters of the word =
"Earth," you discover "Heart."  That's the simple premise of a poem =
"Even the Broken Letters of the Earth Spell Heart" written by local poet =
and community activist, Daniel Thompson. Earlier this year, Thompson was =
diagnosed with leukemia. Fortunately, through medical treatment, his =
illness is in remission giving members of Northeast Ohio's poetry =
community an opportunity to reflect on the man and his work.  =
Ideastream's David C. Barnett asked members to talk about the heart of =
Daniel Thompson and his work.

	*	Harmonia in New York - The New York City music scene hasn't been the =
same since a Cleveland band shook-up a hip Manhattan bistro with the =
gypsy sounds of Eastern Europe.  That gig at the Knitting Factory was =
just one of many triumphs for Harmonia - a group of multi-talented =
musicians who are out to shake up the music scene and change people's =
perceptions about "ethnic music."  Walt Mahovlich, founder of Harmonia, =
joins APPLAUSE to give a little insight into what the band is all about.

	Tamara Benepe Nelson
	tamme at wviz.org

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