[NEohioPAL]Children need as Extras

p.a.gould at att.net p.a.gould at att.net
Thu Aug 7 09:13:26 PDT 2003

Seeking 12 children/young adults ages 12 to 17 to appear as Extras (non-
paying positions) in independent film (shot on digital video) on Wednesday, 
August 13, 2003.  The film is called "The Way Home".

A parent/guardian or adult supervisor must accompany each performer (extra) 
and remain with them at all times.

Shooting times are from 8am to 7pm.  This is a long day, so all parties must 
bring a lunch and other food to snack on through the day, as well as an 
activity to work on during "down-times".

The children will portray chess players at tournaments.  Shooting will take 
place at a school in Shaker Heights.  Performers must bring two extra shirts 
for wardrobe changes as the scenes filmed will cover three days in the 
story.  IMPORTANT: no logo/trademarks/brandnames on clothing.

If interested, reply to this email for additional information concerning the 
signing of release forms and the exact location of the shoot.  

Also, visit our website at www.littlebeth.com

Thank you,
Peter Gould -director
p.a.gould at worldnet.att.net

Visit the world of Little Beth 
Entertainment at www.littlebeth.com

"We are the music makers and we 
are the dreamers of dreams."--
Willy Wonka

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