[NEohioPAL]venue needed for neohiopal picnic next summer

FSternfeld at aol.com FSternfeld at aol.com
Mon Dec 8 07:52:16 PST 2003

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Hi folks !

Here is an update about the picnic.  

Over forty people have volunteered to help plan the event and over four 
hundred of you have told me that you intend to come.  And I am sure that could get 
much larger as we get closer.  

Just to remind you the date and time for the picnic is August 28, 2004, 
afternoon and evening.

I have explored some venues and Cleveland Metroparks can't accomodate any 
group over 250.  While it is possible that there may not ever be more than 250 at 
the picnic at any given moment, it is equally possible that it could be MUCH 
larger than that.  So, we have to plan for the most.

If you have or know of a venue that meets all (or most) of the following 
requirements, please let me know:
--able to accomodate an extremely large group, from 250 people to thousands.
--a large covered (or several) picnic area in case of rain.
--ample parking
--no restrictions on alcohol
--allows a campfire
--ample restrooms
--access to electrical power
--flexible ending time

I hope that a venue exists for an event this large.  I will call a meeting of 
the planning committee after I am able to set the venue.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you with your ideas !


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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0"><B>Hi folks !<BR>
Here is an update about the picnic.  <BR>
Over forty people have volunteered to help plan the event and over four hund=
red of you have told me that you intend to come.  And I am sure that co=
uld get much larger as we get closer.  <BR>
Just to remind you the date and time for the picnic is August 28, 2004, afte=
rnoon and evening.<BR>
I have explored some venues and Cleveland Metroparks can't accomodate any gr=
oup over 250.  While it is possible that there may not ever be more tha=
n 250 at the picnic at any given moment, it is equally possible that it coul=
d be MUCH larger than that.  So, we have to plan for the most.<BR>
If you have or know of a venue that meets all (or most) of the following req=
uirements, please let me know:<BR>
--able to accomodate an extremely large group, from 250 people to thousands.=
--a large covered (or several) picnic area in case of rain.<BR>
--ample parking<BR>
--no restrictions on alcohol<BR>
--allows a campfire<BR>
--ample restrooms<BR>
--access to electrical power<BR>
--flexible ending time<BR>
I hope that a venue exists for an event this large.  I will call a meet=
ing of the planning committee after I am able to set the venue.<BR>
I'm looking forward to hearing from you with your ideas !<BR>

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