[NEohioPAL]WVIZ/PBS Applause this week

Benepe-Nelson, Tamme tnelson at WVIZ.org
Wed Dec 10 07:50:43 PST 2003

Coming up on Applause Thursday at 7:30 p.m. on WVIZ/PBS with host Dee =

Shopahalics and travel buffs all collide in this corner in Cleveland, =
we'll visit a new shop that transports locals to the remote villages of =
Peru and Pakistan.
	*	APPLAUSE visits Ten Thousand Villages, a unique shop that sells =
handmade crafts from remote and exotic locales all over the world, from =
Pakistan to Peru, Asia to Africa and all stops in between.

Then, what happens when a journalist stumbles on some dusty old =
letters...she discovers a lost link to the Greatest Generation.
	*	APPLAUSE talks with playwright Faye Sholiton.  Inspired by a box of =
old newsletters, Sholiton wrote the prize-winning play
		 V-E Day about the WWII Victory in Europe -- now playing at the Dobama =
Theater in Cleveland Heights.

And why are these kids dreaming big? Cause other grads of the Canton =
Ballet have gone on to bright lights and big cities.
	*	Meet the Canton Ballet!  Known for its successful graduation rate, =
the ballet school is dedicated to the serious art of ballet and turns =
out an impressive alumni who have danced their way to success.

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