Kristen Jones kjones at gate.cia.edu
Thu Dec 18 06:10:54 PST 2003

The Elyria Summer Theatre Association is pleased to announce that its 
27th Season will open with the July 2004 production of the musical, "The 
Wizard of Oz." Based on Frank Baum’s classic story, with music and 
lyrics by Harold Arlen and E.Y. Harburg, this production was adapted in 
1988 by the Royal Shakespeare Company for live stage performance, and 
strives to look and sound just like the famous film in telling the story.

The season will continue with the August production of Neil Simon’s 
“Plaza Suite.” This well-known comedy is set in three one acts, all 
played at different times in Suite 719 of the Plaza Hotel in New York City.

Auditions for both productions will be announced at a later date. The 
Elyria Summer Theatre Association is now seeking directors, a music 
director and choreographer. Please submit resumes to ESTA, c/o 937 East 
River Street, Elyria, OH 44035. Questions and submissions can also be 
directed to Kajones0129 at aol.com.


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