Barnes, Kris KBarnes at CleveJcc.Org
Mon Feb 9 12:21:51 PST 2004

> JCC photography show call for entries 
> 34th Annual Event opens at the JCC Mandel Bldg. on april 19th
> Entries for the 34th Annual Jewish Community Center Photography Show are
> being accepted now through February 26, 2004. Entry forms are available at
> the Jewish Community Center, Mandel Building, 26001 S. Woodland, in
> Beachwood or on-line at www.clevejcc.org.  The JCC Photography Show is
> open to photographers from the entire community.  
> The opening reception for the JCC Photo Show will take place at the JCC,
> Mandel Building, on April 19, 2004, and winning entries will remain on
> display through May 14, 2004. Cash and prizes will be awarded in black &
> white, color and Jewish theme categories.
> The complete news release :
 <<...OLE_Obj...>> Jewish Community Center of Cleveland
			26001 South Woodland Road, Beachwood OH  44122 *
(216) 831-0700 * fax (216) 831-7796
			3505 Mayfield Road, Cleveland Heights, OH  44118 *
(216) 382-4000  * fax (216) 382-5401  
For Immediate Release

Contact:  Rick Kammer, (216) 593-6294
Mobile:  (440) 785-0429
e-mail: rkammer at clevejcc.org

JCC Announces photography show call for entries
34th Annual Event opens at the JCC Mandel Building on April 19th

January 20, 2004 (Beachwood, Ohio) -Entries for the 34th Annual Jewish
Community Center Photography Show are being accepted and will remain open
through February 26, 2004. Entry forms are available at the Jewish Community
Center, Mandel Building, 26001 S. Woodland, in Beachwood or on-line at
www.clevejcc.org.  The JCC Photography Show is open to photographers from
the entire community.  

The opening reception for the JCC Photo Show will take place at the JCC,
Mandel Building, on April 19, 2004, and winning entries will remain on
display through May 14, 2004. New this year, the exhibition will continue at
the Beck Center for the Arts, 17801 Detroit Avenue, in Lakewood, and remain
on display through June 27, 2004. 

Cash and prizes will be awarded in the following categories: black & white,
color and Jewish theme. In addition to a winning entry in each category,
Best in Show and Judge's Choice awards will also be presented.
Each entry submitted must be the original work of the photographer, and have
been photographed within the past two years.  The photographs must not have
been exhibited before in Northeastern Ohio.  Each entrant must complete an
entry form, include payment, and clearly mark the submission with the
entrant's name, title and category of each piece.  Submissions must be
submitted (unframed) on an 8" x10" piece of paper for judging.  Entries must
be exact duplicates of the image submitted for exhibition.  A maximum of
five entries will be accepted per photographer. Viewing the exhibition is
free and open to the public. 

Funding support for the Jewish Community Center of Cleveland Photography
Show is provided by the Joyce Seid Photography Fund of The JCC.  Herbert
Ascherman is the committee chairperson. For additional information on the
show, contact Deborah Bobrow, 216-382-4000 ext. 215.

About The JCC

The Cleveland Jewish Community Center builds and strengthens Cleveland's
entire Jewish Community by providing exceptional programs and services that
enhance Jewish continuity and Jewish identity in order to perpetuate Jewish
values. The J is a non-profit social service agency that receives funding
from The Jewish Community Federation and The United Way.

#  #  #

> Thank You!
> Rick Kammer
> Director of Marketing
> Jewish Community Center of Cleveland
> 26001 So. Woodland 
> Beachwood, OH 44122
> (216) 593-6294

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