[NEohioPAL]ONE YEAR LATER: a concert for peace this Saturday

Smorton8 at aol.com Smorton8 at aol.com
Thu Mar 18 06:10:37 PST 2004

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Dear Friends, 

Saturday marks the first anniversary of the War in Iraq. 

Please join us downtown for 

*peace *music *poetry
a concert sponsored by the Northeast Ohio Anti-War Coalition 

7-9 pm 
at the ARTcade ( formerly the Colonial Arcade)
530 Euclid Avenue between Euclid and Prospect 

Admission is FREE with donations accepted
Plenty of parking on Prospect


Linda Eisenstein 
Second City
Kelly Harris 
Michael McMurray 
Joe Jencks 
Charlie Mosbrook 
Kulture Kids
CIM String Quartet
Katie Daley 
ra washington 

Enjoy the art from Art Metro, Vivid Gallery, Patsy Kline's, and Dots to Nuts 

Help us add art, reflections, and photos to our giant peace scroll. 

Face painting for kids! 

March 20th is a Global Day of Action. Let's join the rest of the world in 
continuing to speak out for peace. 

Hope to see you Saturday, 
Sarah Morton 

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Dear Friends, <BR>
Saturday marks the first anniversary of the War in Iraq. <BR>
Please join us downtown for <BR>
*peace *music *poetry<BR>
a concert sponsored by the Northeast Ohio Anti-War Coalition <BR>
7-9 pm <BR>
at the ARTcade ( formerly the Colonial Arcade)<BR>
530 Euclid Avenue between Euclid and Prospect <BR>
Admission is FREE with donations accepted<BR>
Plenty of parking on Prospect<BR>
Featuring: <BR>
Linda Eisenstein <BR>
Second City<BR>
Kelly Harris <BR>
Michael McMurray <BR>
Joe Jencks <BR>
Charlie Mosbrook <BR>
Kulture Kids<BR>
CIM String Quartet<BR>
Katie Daley <BR>
ra washington <BR>
vernacular <BR>
Enjoy the art from Art Metro, Vivid Gallery, Patsy Kline's, and Dots to Nuts=
Help us add art, reflections, and photos to our giant peace scroll. <BR>
Face painting for kids! <BR>
March 20th is a Global Day of Action. Let's join the rest of the world in co=
ntinuing to speak out for peace. <BR>
Hope to see you Saturday, <BR>
Sarah Morton <BR>

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