[NEohioPAL]INTENSIVE CARE - A New Play for National Nurses Week

pearceld at aol.com pearceld at aol.com
Thu Apr 22 07:16:54 PDT 2004


What:   This is an important play that will give tribute to nurses during National Nursing Week. It is based on poems written by Jeanne Bryner, an Ohio nurse who was profiled in the Cleveland Plain Dealer several years ago for her work as a nurse/poet.   Her most recent collection of poetry was just published by Kent State University Press.  The actresses have been coached by local nurses in a unique collaboration between nursing and the arts.

When:    May 8 and 9, 2004 -- 2pm and 8pm each day 

Where:   Case Western Reserve University
         Eldred Theatre
         2070 Adelbert Rd.

Tickets: $10 - to help fund nursing scholarships.  Call
         216-226-6375 for reservations and directions Call

Why:     To give tribute to nurses and to help fund the 
         Genevieve Quinn Schmitt Scholarship.
         If you are a nurse...
         If a nurse is your relative, friend or coworker...
         If you have ever been helped by a nurse...
         Then you know something special about human 
         caring and will enjoy sharing in this special event.

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