[NEohioPAL]Lute Festival 2004 Concerts at CWRU, 6/26-7/2

Bekenneth at aol.com Bekenneth at aol.com
Sat Jun 12 11:01:58 PDT 2004

CONCERTS of the LSA LUTE FESTIVAL 2004 (June 27-July 2, 2004)
All events held in Harkness Chapel EXCEPT for Wednesday evening (June 30)at the Cleveland Museu of Art.
The LSA website is: www.lutesocietyofamerical.org (with online registration) where there is a downloadable PDF spreadsheet file of the entire week's schedule of events.
NOTE:  newcomers to the lute and singers of lute songs and ballads are most welcome to attend.  Single day auditors registration is also possible.  Please direct all inquiries and questions to Kenneth Be:  kenneth.be at aya.yale.edu or 216-798-8827 (voicemail).

Special added PRE-workshop concert:
Saturday, June 26th, 7:30PM
Holy Rosary Church, 12021 Mayfield Road (Little Italy), Cleveland, OH 44106.
Tickets: Suggested Donation: $12 General/$5 Students and LSA LuteFest attendees
- Ciaramella, an ensemble for 15th-century music, presents "Komm Heiliger
Geist," a concert of devotional music from manuscripts at the crossroads of
Europe around 1500. Compositions by Paulus de Roda, Heinrich Isaac and Adam
von Fulda, performed on shawms, trumpets, recorders, organ and high voices

Lute Festival concerts:
Sunday, June 27, 7PM, Harkness Chapel, 11200 Bellflower Road, Case Western Reserve University, General admission: $10, students: $5:
- The Venere Lute Quartet: Palestrina Intabulations 
- Ronn McFarlane: Early 16th Century Italian Lute Music

Monday, June 28, 7PM, Harkness Chapel, 11200 Bellflower Road, Case Western Reserve University, General admission: $10, students: $5: 
- Robert Barto: 17th and 18th Century German Lute Music
- Paul Beier: Bach and Weiss

Tuesday, June 29, 7PM, Harkness Chapel, General admission: $10, students: $5:
- Catherine Liddell: Charles Mouton and his Contemporaries 
- Nigel North: Lute Solos by Nicholas Vallet

General admission: $15
CMA, Musart Society, seniors: $10
Students: $5
- "Music for 300 Strings"
LSA Lute Festival Extravaganza Concert at the Cleveland Museum of Art, featuring solos, duets, and lute ensemble performances by the entire Lute Festival's internationally  renowned faculty.  It will also include dances from Negri (1600)and Caroso (1593) and Holborne (1599) performed by The New York Historical Dance Company, accompanied by lutes.  Lute works by:  Dalza, Francesco da Milano, Vallet, Praetorius, various Elizabethan and French airs de coer composers, Gaultier, and Weiss.
see: http://www.clevelandart.org/Events/search.asp?cat=41&sd=6%2F26%2F02

Thursday, July 1, NOTE TIME!! 4:30PM, Harkness Chapel, 11200 Bellflower Road, Case Western Reserve University, FREE ADMISSION, 
- Martin Shepherd: Early 16th Century German Lute Music (a MINI-RECITAL)

Thursday, July 1, 7PM, Harkness Chapel, 11200 Bellflower Road, Case Western Reserve University, General admission: $10, students: $5:
- Jacob Heringman and Ronn McFarlane: The Jane Pickeringe Lutebook Duets  
- Ellen Hargis and Jacob Heringman: Lute Songs from the Age of Shakespeare 

Friday, July 2, NOTE TIME!!: 1:15 PM, Harkness Chapel,  11200 Bellflower Road, Case Western Reserve University, FREE ADMISSION, 
- Edward Martin and Philip Rukavina: Vihuela Duets of Valderrábano (a MINI-RECITAL)

FREE EVENT on Friday. July 2: 
- 7:30PM, Harkness Chapel, LuteFest Student Concert, 11200 Bellflower Road, Case Western Reserve University,

Note:  dance workshop for children by the New York Historical Dance Company is 3:30, Tuesday, June 29, $5 per person:


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