[NEohioPAL]Porthouse Offers Opportunity to Aspiring Brandos

etsengas at kent.edu etsengas at kent.edu
Fri Jun 18 08:39:35 PDT 2004

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Aspiring Brandos Invited to Shout =93Stellaaaa=94 at Porthouse Theatre

Cuyahoga Falls - Porthouse Theatre=92s production of =22A Streetcar Named=
 Desire=22 will definitely be something to shout about with director John=
 Woodson and a cast of many highly acclaimed professional actors=2E  On J=
uly 2nd=2C shouts will literally kick off the outdoor professional theatr=
e=92s opening night of this Tennessee Williams gem with a Stella Shouting=
 Contest=2E  Would-be Stanleys=2C or those who just enjoy wearing muscle =
shirts and shouting women=92s names=2C will have an opportunity to do the=
ir best interpretation of the infamous line on the Porthouse stage before=
 the performance=2E
        The contest originates in New Orleans where the annual Tennessee =
Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival hosts its lauded =93Stell-Off=94 j=
ust blocks away from where Williams is believed to have written his Pulit=
zer prize-winning play=2E   In this same vein=2C  Porthouse has created i=
ts own faux French Quarter on stage=2C where men will have the opportunit=
y to step into the shoes of  the dramatic legend=2C Marlon Brando=2E  =

	The contest is inspired by the scene in which the brutish but love-torn =
Stanley Kowalski bellows his wife Stella=92s name outside her window=2C a=
fter he has hit her in a drunken rage=2E
	The contest is free and open to the public=2E  Prizes such as tickets to=
 sporting events=2C comedy clubs and other activities will be awarded=2E =
Contestants are requested to arrive at 7 p=2Em=2E to register or sign-in=2C=
 if already registered for the contest=2E  Judges=2C not associated with =
Porthouse Theatre=2C will view all contestants and make a final determina=
tion before curtain at 8=3A00 p=2Em=2E  =

	A second contest for those who are unable to make it on July 2 will be h=
eld on Friday=2C July 9th=2E  =

        Call 330-672-3884 to register or with any questions=2E

Effie A=2E Tsengas
PR/Marketing Director
Porthouse Theatre

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n:Tsengas;Effie A.
fn:Effie A Tsengas
org:Porthouse Theatre/KSU School of Theatre & Dance;
adr:;;B 141 Music & Speech Building;Kent;Ohio;44242;USA
email;internet:etsengas at kent.edu
title:PR/Marketing Director


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