[NEohioPAL]Casting show to give audience 'experience' of The Underground Railroad

toomey at alumni.nd.edu toomey at alumni.nd.edu
Sat Jun 19 07:05:59 PDT 2004

Garfield Park Nature Center is preparing an experience that will immerse
audience members into some of the sights, sounds, and feelings that =
slaves faced on their journeys to freedom along The Underground =

Six performances run 9/23/04 - mid-October.
At the Garfield Park Nature Center.

Attendees start the evening by being sold at auction.
They experience the humiliation of being told not to even face their new

Then the group hears a whisper, offering to lead them in a frantic dash =
"Escaping" audience members follow hushed instructions.
Meet kind, supportive, average people who offer food and shelter.
Get betrayed into the hands of runaway-catchers.
And eventually follow the drinking gourd to safety in Canada.

Roles available:

One white male guitar player and vocalist
Several white male plantation owners, slavers, slave catchers, etc.   =
speaking roles)
Several females:  white and black:  slave leaders, trek sweeps (ensuring
nobody got lost), women encountered along the way (all speaking roles).
Several women to help prepare and serve refreshments at the final stop =
Inn") "in Canada".

August meeting to pick up scripts,
followed by read-through and several rehearsals.

Call Carl,
Garfield Park Nature Center

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