[NEohioPAL]A thank you to all who helped and supported

Johnny Wu johnny at mdifilm.com
Sat Jun 19 08:04:51 PDT 2004

Below is an email from one of the guest speakers of Cleveland IndieClub
meeting. Thanks to you and your support, they received a overwhelemed
attention and sells. I wanted to share this because it shows that our
community helps each other! Thank you! - Johnny Wu

-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Blackburn [mailto:fonebalone at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 2:43 AM
To: Bill johns; Johnny Wu


I just wanted to drop you both a line and say hello. We have been
working so hard I hadn't been able to catch back up with you. I have to
say a BIG thank you to both of you for, number one, taking such good
care of Willy and I.  We really had a good time in the city. Number two,
giving us a place to represent and practice representing.  I am really
eager to come back and bring some hot new stuff.  I believe we will have
everything finished on our Yard Sizzle project by the end of September.
I would like to make a trip and see you again, maybe reshow our making
of and then the new piece.

The biggest reason for your BIG thank you is, due to you extremely well
maintained databases of professionals, the e-mails that you sent out in
our favor worked like a charm.  The story goes... 

Mr. Fannin calls me the Monday after visiting, late at night.  He
says,"Thanks for making the trip to Cleveland, you did a great job."

He goes on to say that he has received a call from our web master and
have been informed,"What ever you did worked, now stop before you melt
down the site."

In a little over 24 hrs you generated 3500 hits, and enough orders to
provide hundreds of dollars in revenue. We have now taken this new money
and invested a portion of it in a spur of the moment competition held by
Second City.  The boys put something together and we've been shooting
the past couple of week-ends getting ready.  

So, really, thank you both very much.  I can not wait to meet with you
guys again with material you find impressive.  Good luck w/ things.

Joshua Blackburn
1011 epworth ave.
dayton, OH 45410
productions Productions

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