[NEohioPAL]Attend a play, an after party and the Lab

jimmie woody umoja4us at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 22 15:41:09 PDT 2004

'for colored girls who have considered suicide when the rainbow is enuf' by 
ntozake shange

from the bars in san francisco and the bright lights of braodway,to
a blue collar community in cleveland, people of all backgrounds,
especially african-american women, have been touched by the visceral and 
stories in 'for colored girls who have considered suicide /when the
rainbow is enuf.'

ntozake shange's message of self love directed by jimmie d woody will run @ 
Tri-C Metro from October 28-November 7.

in for colored girls..... the issues are real, in fact more than one
life or livelihoods can be at stake. the issues faced by our
characters seem to be strikingly similar to those issues facing all
women: doctors, lawyers, school teachers, housewives, factory
workers, students and lovers.

for more info call Tri-C Metro @ 216.987.4211 or 216.987.4535


On November 6th, 2004 see 'for colored girls' and join us afterwards for the 
after party @ theLab

The Labyrinth

Art, live acoustic music, spoken word performances, food, and an opportunity
to mingle and create with Cleveland’s most beautiful
people. All of this can be found at Cleveland’s latest social installment,
The Labyrinth. As you enter you are encompassed by the larger than life
murals and paintings of the featured artists. Following the trail of color
and creativity, guests often find themselves lost in a maze of rooms each
with its own intimate appeal.

Spend an evening lounging comfortably and listening to the organic sounds of
an mbira being expertly plucked by weathered thumbs. While thumb drums, 
and guitar riffs naturally vibe to form an impromptu band, poets sprinkle
rhymes and prose into the mix.

Feeling creative? This is the place to do what your mama would have tanned
your hide for, paint and write on the walls. Imagine, a room covered, floor
to ceiling, with paint, words, and sketches. A room where a person dressed 
in their best, find themselves dripping paint and creating art, lost in her 
own creative flow.

Located at 138th & Harvard Avenue, The Labyrinth is offered once a month by
Jimmie Woody and Umoja Arts Inc..  The next Lab event will be held on 
November 6th.  At 10:30pm, the curious can explore the mysteries of The Lab 
for just $5(free w/ticket stub) and bring a bottle for the house.

for more info email umoja4us at hotmail.com

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