[NEohioPAL]Nosferatu Redux

tofu tofu at apk.net
Sun Oct 24 08:17:26 PDT 2004

 If you missed the screening of Nosferatu at Rain on 
10/20, SynthCleveland will be presenting an encore showing 
on Saturday, October 30th, at 9:00 pm, as part of the 
"Midnight Mixer" at Orthodox Cleveland: 6205 Detroit Avenue 
(corner of West 64th and Detroit Avenue) in Cleveland. 

 SynthCleveland members notech, tofu and Luigi-Bob Drake
will be providing the live soundtrack to the classic German
expressionist silent film.

 Admission is $7, $5 if you wear a costume or mask, FREE if 
you bring a CD of original music produced or mixed by you 
or your band, and FREE if you arrive before 9:30pm. 

 Midnight Mixers are monthly multimedia events that bring 
together cutting edge artists and performers. The performers 
create live electronic music and realtime video. The venue 
is a unique 100 year old orthodox church located at West 
64th and Detroit. 

09:00 - 10:30pm Nosferatu (notech, tofu and Luigi-Bob Drake)
11:00 - 12:00am Zone Music, Inc.
12:00 - 12:30am 2% Milk
12:30 - 02:00am Cozmic Spore
02:00 - 03:00am T3

Synthetik and The Indoor Flash (video mix)

 SynthCleveland (http://www.synthcleveland.com/) is a resource 
group for area electronic musicians holding meetings and 
presenting workshops related to electronic music.  The group 
has grown to over 160 members, released two compilation CD's 
"Foundation: Cleveland Electronic 2002", and "Foundation II: 
Cleveland Elctronic 2003". 

Details:	http://www.midnightmixer.com/
Directions:	http://tinyurl.com/5oy9r
Flyer:		http://www.synthcleveland.com/imaginary/nosferatu_redux.jpg
notech:	http://www.basementboy.com/
tofu:		http://junior.apk.net/~tofu/music.html

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