[NEohioPAL]RENT the movie is now Casting all major roles!

Angela Kabasan chaerm at ameritech.net
Wed Oct 20 15:11:42 PDT 2004

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I actually have a question for the more experienced members of NEOHPAL.  I know that some of you have been to NY and CA and other awesome states to perform, so your expertise here would be appreciated.

Do you come across many sites that ask you to pay for the services of getting casting calls?  I realize that probably noone's list is as cool as Fred's, but is everything normally a "you pay for the info" site?  Also, another question, is this a recommended outlet for getting casting notices or is it just another way for people to take advantage of us actors?

By the way, Justin, this isn't an insult on your part.  I think that it's awesome that you have this info and chose to share it, kudos to you!  RENT, the movie, hopefully will be spectacular!

Thanks to everyone who shares this info with me.  I really appreciate it.


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<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">
<P>I actually have a question for the more experienced members of NEOHPAL.  I know that some of you have been to NY and CA and other awesome states to perform, so your expertise here would be appreciated.</P>
<P>Do you come across many sites that ask you to pay for the services of getting casting calls?  I realize that probably noone's list is as cool as Fred's, but is everything normally a "you pay for the info" site?  Also, another question, is this a recommended outlet for getting casting notices or is it just another way for people to take advantage of us actors?</P>
<P>By the way, Justin, this isn't an insult on your part.  I think that it's awesome that you have this info and chose to share it, kudos to you!  RENT, the movie, hopefully will be spectacular!</P>
<P>Thanks to everyone who shares this info with me.  I really appreciate it.</P>

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