[NEohioPAL]Auditions for V-Day UA 2005

Sara Cutlip xtaticmuffin_22 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 3 12:06:32 PST 2004

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at the University of Akron 2005

UA has inheritied V-Day from the friendly vaginas at Queen Bee Productions this year.  The College Campaign can only cast students!  


November 16, 17


Olin hall Rm 124

No Acting Experience Required!

Performance Dates: February 18th,19th, 20th 8pm

"Spellbinding, funny, and almost unbearably moving . . . it is both a work of art and an incisive piece of cultural history, a poem and a polemic, a performance and a balm and a benediction."—Variety

All proceeds benefit the Rape Crisis Center and Battered Women's Shelter of Akron.

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 Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page.  www.yahoo.com/a
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<FONT face=Impact size=7>
<P align=center>The</P>
<P align=center>Vagina</P>
<P align=center>Monologues</P>
<P align=center><FONT size=5>at the University of Akron 2005</FONT></P>
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<P align=left><FONT size=4>UA has inheritied V-Day from the friendly vaginas at Queen Bee Productions this year.  The College Campaign can <EM>only cast students!  </EM></FONT></P><FONT size=4><FONT face=Arial size=7>
<P align=center>Auditions</P>
<P align=center>November 16, 17</P>
<P align=center>7-10pm</P>
<P align=center>Olin hall Rm 124</P></FONT><FONT face=Arial size=1></FONT><FONT face=Arial size=6>
<P align=center>No Acting Experience Required!</P><FONT size=2>
<P align=center><IMG height=153 src="http://us.f507.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Image1.gif" width=224></P><FONT face=Arial size=6>
<P align=center>Performance Dates: February 18<SUP>th</SUP>,19th, 20<SUP>th</SUP> 8pm</P></FONT><FONT size=2>
<P align=center></P></FONT><I><FONT face="Calisto MT">
<P align=center>"Spellbinding, funny, and almost unbearably moving . . . it is both a work of art and an incisive piece of cultural history, a poem and a polemic, a performance and a balm and a benediction."—Variety</P>
<P align=center><FONT face=arial>All proceeds benefit the Rape Crisis Center and Battered Women's Shelter of Akron.</FONT></P></I></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT><p>
		<hr size=1>Do you Yahoo!?<br> 
Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. <a href="http://www.yahoo.com"> www.yahoo.com</a

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