[NEohioPAL]Did college kids vote?

Anastasjoy at aol.com Anastasjoy at aol.com
Sat Nov 6 05:24:49 PST 2004

In a message dated 11/6/04 7:04:31 AM, lovetolaugh at earthlink.net writes:

<< I will say that I bet there were PLENTY who showed up at the rally to see 

Kerry so they could see The Boss, and then didn't bother to vote or maybe 

even voted for Bush. (It must be hard for those Born In The USA republican 

fans of Bruce's.) >>

Indeed- and there are many of those. In fact, Bruce has very few college-aged 
fans or in fact, many fans at all under age 40. I was standing with a group 
of young people, probably in their late 20s, at the rally and they were 
complaining that Kerry didn't get some hippier musical act. Bruce's fans are mostly 
between 45-55 and white collar, upper-middle class and some  are now 
Lexus-driving stockbrokers whose current political affiliation likely reflects their 

<<<I moved to Ohio 7 years ago from Chicago and I like it here, dammit. But I 

really don't know if I can live in a state with such a terrible law.>>>

I moved here from Chicago several decades ago and I'm tempted to move back as 
well. Anyway, my sister who lives in Hyde Park (i.e. the Cleveland Heights of 
Chicago) told me a funny story that might make you laugh. She went to vote 
and found her polling place full of TV cameras because Barack Obama lives in her 
precinct and votes there. One tv woman was standing right next to a booth and 
someone asked her to move. She snottily replied "Don't you believe in a free 
media?" Immediately, Hyde Park being Hyde Park, several people attacked her 
going "What free media? You're nothing but corporate shills." Gotta love those 
latte-drinking Hyde Park liberals!

I spent months in the campaign and have never seen so many people, so much 
energy and so many resources mobilized in a campaign. Unfortunately I did not 
see the same resources in the Issue 1 campaign; I was never even able to get a 
piece of literature to hand out to people who asked what it was about and 
people were indeed confused. I had a friend who even wanted to donate money and 
couldn't figure out to whom. I was at a black church "get out the vote" meeting 
about a week before the election and a woman next to me was asking "What's this 
Issue 1 about? I don't even understand this "signficance, quality etc" 
thing." Luckily, she did ask during the Q&A part of the meeting and State Senator 
C.J. Prentiss explained to clearly and forecfully opening with "First let me 
just say, I'm against it." 

Regardless, it's obvious it still would have lost. The "five non-negotiable 
issues" people were too vast and organized and flew beneath our radar. They 
cynically manipulated peoples' hatred, ignorance and fears; I on't for a second 
believe Karl Rove gives a rats' ass whether gays get married. This is just pure 
evil walking the face of our land.

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