[NEohioPAL]Kent State's Student Dance Festival March 11-13

etsengas at kent.edu etsengas at kent.edu
Thu Mar 10 08:50:34 PST 2005

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Student Dance Festival =93Infinite 8=94 Highlights Choreography by Dance =

Majors from Kent State University=92s School of Theatre =26 Dance

Kent=2C OH =96 Dance students from Kent State University=92s School of =

Theatre =26 Dance will present their annual Student Dance Festival March =

11=2C 12 at 8 p=2Em=2E and 13 at 2 p=2Em=2E in Wright-Curtis Theatre on t=
he main =

campus of Kent State=2E  =

Student directed by dance major Kara Czaplicki and overseen by Artist-
in-Residence Barbara Verlezza=2C =93Infinite 8=94 will highlight dance ma=
jors =

and minors as they showcase their talents=2E  =93Infinite 8=94 is both =

student choreographed and performed and will feature the popular dance =

styles of modern and jazz=2E

The title=2C =93Infinite 8=94 was created especially for this year=92s =

concert=2E  It was chosen for the simple fact that there are eight =

student choreographers who have created each piece based on their own =

unique backgrounds and experiences=2E

Audiences can look forward to enjoying the following pieces=3A

=93After Tuesday =2E =2E =2E =94 choreographed by Jill Battistelli=2C  is=
 set =

during the Great Depression and portrays the adage of the less you =

have=2C the more you appreciate what you do have=2E  Battistelli=92s seco=
nd =

piece =93Phantasm=94 conveys the images of nightmares of feeling trapped=2E=

Kara Czaplicki=92s =93Broken=94 explores love and heartache while Rebecca=

Egyud=92s =

=93Summertime=94 is an upbeat visualization of summer memories and =

friendships which explores pedestrian movements=2C gestures=2C cannons an=
d =


=93Take Me With You=94 by Jessica Mitchell personifies the three stages o=
f =

a woman=92s life=2C while =93Eye of the Nile=94 by Erica Smith is a histo=
rical =

outlook of Ancient Egypt=92s pyramids and landmarks which have stood the =

test of time=2E

Mary Vaccani=92s =93Graffiti83=94 is set in the turbulent time of 1983 in=
 New =

York City when adolescent rebellion was rampant and apparent through =

their use of graffiti as a way of having their voices heard=2E

Tickets are =2412 adults=2C =2410 seniors=2C KSU Alumni and Faculty and =24=
8 =

students with valid ID or under 18=2E  The School of Theatre =26 Dance Bo=
x =

Office is located in the Music =26 Speech Center and is opened 12 p=2Em=2E=
 =96 =

5 p=2Em=2E Monday =96 Friday=2C 3 p=2Em=2E =96 7 p=2Em=2E on Saturday dur=
ing the run of =

the show and one hour before performance times=2E  Call 330-672-2497 to =

make reservations=2E  All phone reservations must be held with a major =

credit card=2E  The box office accepts MasterCard=2C Visa and Discover=2E=

Effie A=2E Tsengas
Director of Public Relations =26 Marketing
Kent State University School of Theatre =26 Dance
B 141 Music =26 Speech Building=2C Kent=2C OH 44242

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n=3ATsengas=3BEffie A=2E
fn=3AEffie A Tsengas
org=3APorthouse Theatre/KSU School of Theatre =26 Dance=3B
adr=3A=3B=3BB 141 Music =26 Speech Building=3BKent=3BOhio=3B44242=3BUSA
title=3ADirector of Public Relations =26 Marketing


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