[NEohioPAL]Pianist looking for gigs

Christopher Chung christopher.chung at case.edu
Sat Apr 23 10:57:16 PDT 2005

<BODY><P><FONT face=Arial>I am currently a Piano Performance major at the Cleveland Institute of Music studying under the tutellage or Mr. Paul Schenly, head of the Piano Department.  I am currently an undergraduate sophomore with 14 years of professional experience behind my back.  I am able to sight-read at a very high level, and I know that is needed especially in the musical theater area.  I have done Little Shop of Horrors, Guys and Dolls, and Into the Woods as the main Keyboardist/Pianist in the pit.  I have experience with accompanying vocalists of all types of music.  I am not looking for improvisational jobs and what I mean by that is that I will only play with printed sheet music.  I am only looking for paid gigs so please do not contact me about doing non-paying gigs.  Please email me at <A href="mailto:cbc5 at case.edu">cbc5 at case.edu</A> with any further questions.  I do accompany singers for competitions and payments are negoti!
able.  I have turned down previous clients due to low unreasonable wages so please be reasonable when contacting me.  Thank you very much for considering me as a future musician for your gig.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial>-Christopher</FONT></P></BODY>

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