[NEohioPAL]Fwd: Another warning, worth reading

Stephen Morris eve4steve at sbcglobal.net
Fri Apr 29 06:14:34 PDT 2005

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

>This makes sense, so please read---
>90# on the telephone
>I received a telephone call last evening from an individual identifying 
>himself as an AT&T Service technician who was conducting a test on telephone
>lines. He stated that to complete the test I should touch nine(9), 
>zero(0), the
>pound sign (#), and then hang up. 
>Luckily, I was suspicious and refused. 
>Upon contacting the telephone company, I was informed that by pushing 90#, 
>you give the requesting individual full access to your telephone line, which
>enables them to place long distance calls billed to your home phone number. 
>I was further informed that this scam has been originating from many local 
>jails/prisons I have also verified this information with UCB Telecom,Pacific
>Bell, MCI, Bell Atlantic and GTE. Please beware.
>DO NOT press 90# for ANYONE. 
>PLEASE pass this on to everyone YOU know. 
>If you have mailing lists and/or newsletters from organizations you are 
>connected with, I encourage you to pass on this information to them. 
>After checking with Verizon they said it was true, so do not dial
>(9),zero(0), the pound sign # and hang up for anyone. 

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">>This makes sense, so please read---<BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>>90# on the telephone<BR>><BR>>PASS THIS ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW <BR>><BR>>I received a telephone call last evening from an individual identifying <BR>>himself as an AT&T Service technician who was conducting a test on telephone<BR>>lines. He stated that to complete the test I should touch nine(9), <BR>>zero(0), the<BR>>pound sign (#), and then hang up. <BR>><BR>>Luckily, I was suspicious and refused. <BR>><BR>>Upon contacting the telephone company, I was informed that by pushing 90#, <BR>>you give the requesting individual full access to your telephone line, which<BR>>enables them to place long distance calls billed to your home phone number. <BR>><BR>>I was further informed that this scam has been originating from many local <BR>>jails/prisons I have also
 verified this information with UCB Telecom,Pacific<BR>>Bell, MCI, Bell Atlantic and GTE. Please beware.<BR>><BR>>DO NOT press 90# for ANYONE. <BR>><BR>>PLEASE pass this on to everyone YOU know. <BR>><BR>>If you have mailing lists and/or newsletters from organizations you are <BR>>connected with, I encourage you to pass on this information to them. <BR>><BR>>After checking with Verizon they said it was true, so do not dial<BR>>(9),zero(0), the pound sign # and hang up for anyone. <BR>><BR>>PLEASE HIT THAT FORWARD BUTTON AND PASS THIS ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW<BR><BR></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><BR><BR>Evie

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