[NEohioPAL]Great Lakes Film Festival Inquiry

AC Earing alanearing at yahoo.com
Thu May 5 08:04:01 PDT 2005

It has been pretty quite around here lately!  

I'm writing because I'm a little clueless.  What are
some points/tips/standards with regards to the

Will there be any sort of 'red carpet?'  Should I
bring a date and show up with a top hat and a cane?  

Who has stuff going to the GLFF?  Anyone having a
preparty or postparty?  If not, anyone want help
coordinating one?  Hell, Puffy ain't got sh*t on this!

On a side note, I'm starting a production company out
of Pittsburgh.  We've already been together and making
projects, I just figured I'd get legit!  One name that
people in my group are hot over is "Maveriq Films." 
There is only one company out of Toronto named
Maverick Films and they make hip hop music videos. 
Then there is Maverick Records, Madonnas label.  Any
feedback would be appreciated. What is in a name?  A
rose is still a...

Hope you're all doing well in this post nice weather,
wanna be nice weather; have a grrrrr8 day!


AC Earing
Pittsburgh Actor, Model, Producer
alanearing at yahoo.com

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