[NEohioPAL]TV series looking for Crew - paid positions

PierogiProductOH at aol.com PierogiProductOH at aol.com
Sat Jul 23 14:27:27 PDT 2005

"NBTV" a live-action puppet comedy TV series is looking for some Crew positions (all paid) to join our show.  We will begin production in September and will be filming every weekend to complete our 13 episode run for our first season.  The positions that we are looking to fill are:

1.  Set Construction (2 positions)
2.  Production Assistants (3 positions)
3.  Program Manager (1 position)
4.  Costume/Props person (1-2 positions)

All of these positions will be paid and will require people to be
available for all weekend shoots, and since we have 13 episodes to shoot, it's going to be at least 13 weekends (both Saturday and Sunday).

More information about the series, position details and compensation will be discussed during auditions, which we will be setting up soon.  In the meantime, please view our website for information about Natural Bridges at:  www.thenaturalbridges.com

If you are interested, please email us your resume and information about your abilities and talents, making sure to contain all information within your email as we presently do not accept any attachements.  Deadline to apply is August 15, 2005.

Thank you.

Kirk Lawrence Maynard
President & Puppet Director
Natural Bridges LLC
PO Box 30688
Cleveland, Ohio 44130
Phone: 1-888-866-4877
Email:   President at thenaturalbridges.com
Web:     www.thenaturalbridges.com
“If you can dream it, we can create it.”

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