Sharron DeCosta sharron at gfhoch.com
Tue Jul 26 10:25:30 PDT 2005

An unsolicited personal review of the above.........

The long awaited "RENT" movie will be released on 11/11/05. The Broadway
musical hit "Wicked" will ride its broom into Cleveland next summer.
"Avenue Q" and "Spamalot" will soon not only be on Broadway, but playing
in Las Vegas at the same time. 

So what would possibly call 43 teenagers to spend a sweltering 6 weeks
exploring, dissecting and preparing to become the simple, boring prairie
folk of Oklahoma at the turn of the last century? Many came because that
is where their friends would be. Some came for the new experience and to
meet new people. Some came because that's just what they do in the
summer every year. But they all came for love of theatre. And it shows! 

And somewhere in the oppressive heat and sweat of the past few weeks,
magic began to happen. As a friend and confidante to many of these
teens, I have heard their attitudes go from "Why I am doing an antique,
archaic show?" to "This is the best show in the world!" 

Led by Bob Navis as director, the energetic youth weave an
old-fashioned, homespun tale that everybody thinks they know into a
relevant and important message for today. The choreography by Stephanie
Morrison Hrbek is reminiscent of the Agnes de Mille style, but also has
the approach of undated timelessness. The entire look of the show was
painstakingly chosen by a technical/artistic staff to NOT appear to be
the usual, gingham-clad Oklahoma that we are so used to. 

I am purposely choosing not to single any of the leading actors out, not
because they don't deserve it, but because I would more than likely
crash the NEOhioPAL system if I started writing about the strengths,
talents and loveliness of each individual portrayal. I will, however
tell you that the principals of this show are as strong as any that I
have ever seen on a stage (amateur OR professional) in Cleveland. The
chorus of the show is thoroughly committed to embodying the spirit of
play, anger, conflict and hope that Oklahoma calls us to explore.
Devotion, passion and commitment shows on every face, from the man with
the broom at the train station to the third girl from the front in the
wedding party during the dream ballet. 

Seeing this show has caused me to reflect upon the very roots of my love
for theatre. So many times I ask myself.why do I spend so much time
doing this? I always come back to the beauty and mystery and majesty
that two men named Rodgers and Hammerstein created. The themes of their
shows are still relevant in the turbulent 21st century. Along with
Carousel, South Pacific and Sound of Music (and many other shows) these
two musical geniuses changed my life. My life has once again been
changed by experiencing this show once again in this new, fresh
production. Sure, I adore Les Miz, and Wicked, Jane Eyre, Avenue Q, and
anything Andrew Lloyd Webber ever laid his hands on, but I also realize
that musical theatre as we know it today would not exist were it not for
these classic shows. And now, there are 43 wonderful teens who know it

The eternal values personified in Oklahoma, especially the ones of hope,
are perfectly and flawlessly represented at the Near West Theatre for 2
more weekends. Come for the cheap price of $6. Come to see your friends.
Come for the dancing corn. Come dressed in your skivvies, as there is no
air conditioning on the third floor at 3618 Bridge Avenue in Ohio City.
But mostly, come with an open mind, and be prepared to be challenged,
surprised, startled and edified. Near West Theatre wouldn't let you
leave any other way!

-Sharron DeCosta

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