[NEohioPAL]Remember when WMMS was a real radio station?

evelyn_carr evelyn_carr at cox.net
Wed Aug 3 20:37:28 PDT 2005

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Remember when you used to be able to listen to an entire album (?) side? =
 Remember WMMS before the Buzzard?  If you don't you're too young to be =
interested.  If you do, I have a vintage original WMMS tee shirt in =
amazingly good shape.  I hate to part with it but getting a divorce is =
proving to be more costly than originally anticipated.  So, if anyone =
out there is interested, let me know and I will e-mail you a photo of =
the shirt.  High bid wins.  Thanks.
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Remember when you used to be able to =
listen to an=20
entire album (?) side?  Remember WMMS before the Buzzard?  If =
don't you're too young to be interested.  If you do, I have a =
original WMMS tee shirt in amazingly good shape.  I hate to part =
with it=20
but getting a divorce is proving to be more costly than originally=20
anticipated.  So, if anyone out there is interested, let me know =
and I will=20
e-mail you a photo of the shirt.  High bid wins. =20


>From djerock <djerock at peoplepc.com>  Thu Aug  4 05:20:28 2005
From: djerock <djerock at peoplepc.com> (djerock)
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 00:20:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [NEohioPAL]casting call
Message-ID: <24890401.1123129228939.JavaMail.root at wamui-chipeau.atl.sa.earthlink.net>

hellweek indy film seeks male age 25 to 55 to play lead crazy person. rob zombie type manson type a plus also females needed ages 18 to 25 for minor speaking roles pay at back end contact eddie at djerock at peoplepc or call direct at 216 324 4070 additionaly i would like you to check out my new website for my mobile dj service at www.dropabeat.net


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