[NEohioPAL]Editors and Editing

Brendon Connelly brendonconnelly at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Nov 22 21:25:00 PST 2005

I have recently shot a short that needs to complete
post production with an amazing degree of urgency to
make a deadline. The arrangements I had in place have
fallen through - somebody has taken a Thanksgiving
holiday at the last minute - so I am looking for
access to Final Cut Pro on a half-way decent (at
least) Mac and a good DV deck/camera to capture the
footage in from.

The film is very brief with only four different set
ups and few takes to be cut together.  I anticipate a
good long afternoon would be enough to do the job,
though some extra time to give breathing space is a
luxury I might like.

Can anybody help me? Please reply ASAP. Thanks!

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