mary slowey mslowey at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 2 13:51:29 PST 2006

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  1371 CLAGUE ROAD (between Detroit & Hilliard)
  WESTLAKE, OH 44145
  PHONE:  440-331-0403
  Sacred Hearts, a romantic comedy by local playwright Margo Haas and directed by Skip Corris will open January 13, 2006 and run thru February 5, 2006.
  A two-act, heart-warming, later life romantic comedy that presents a surprise problem that melts away with wisdom and acceptance.  It's funny, poignant, and provocative.
  The Cast:
  Frank J. Mularo
  Marcia Mandell
  Paige Reich
  Lynna Metrisin
  Barbara Brown
  For ticket information and reservations, please contact the box office at the above number Wed - Sat 1-6 PM

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<DIV id=RTEContent align=center><FONT face="comic sans ms"><STRONG>CLAGUE PLAYHOUSE</STRONG></FONT></DIV>  <DIV align=center><FONT face="comic sans ms"><STRONG>1371 CLAGUE ROAD (between Detroit & Hilliard)</STRONG></FONT></DIV>  <DIV align=center><FONT face="comic sans ms"><STRONG>WESTLAKE, OH 44145</STRONG></FONT></DIV>  <DIV align=center><FONT face="comic sans ms"><STRONG>PHONE:  440-331-0403</STRONG></FONT></DIV>  <DIV align=center><A href="http://www.clagueplayhouse.org"><FONT face="comic sans ms"><STRONG>www.clagueplayhouse.org</STRONG></FONT></A></DIV>  <DIV align=center> </DIV>  <DIV> </DIV>  <DIV><STRONG><EM>Sacred Hearts,</EM></STRONG> a romantic comedy by local playwright <STRONG>Margo Haas</STRONG> and directed by <STRONG>Skip Corris</STRONG> will open January 13, 2006 and run thru February 5, 2006.</DIV>  <DIV> </DIV>  <DIV>A two-act, heart-warming, later life romantic comedy that presents a surprise problem that melts away with wisdom and
 acceptance.  It's funny, poignant, and provocative.</DIV>  <DIV> </DIV>  <DIV align=center><STRONG><U>The Cast:</U></STRONG></DIV>  <DIV align=center><STRONG><U></U></STRONG> </DIV>  <DIV align=center><STRONG>Frank J. Mularo</STRONG></DIV>  <DIV align=center><STRONG>Marcia Mandell</STRONG></DIV>  <DIV align=center><STRONG>Paige Reich</STRONG></DIV>  <DIV align=center><STRONG>Lynna Metrisin</STRONG></DIV>  <DIV align=center><STRONG>Barbara Brown</STRONG></DIV>  <DIV align=center> </DIV>  <DIV>For ticket information and reservations, please contact the box office at the above number Wed - Sat 1-6 PM</DIV>

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