[NEohioPAL]Shows in area

Hillary Howcroft hillary1sassy at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 31 09:18:04 PST 2006

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 Dear neopal subscribers,  I am trying  to compile a list of shows in the Akron, Canton, Cleveland, and so on  area for Kent State's Theatre Roundtable.  We like to get together  and go support fellow performers.  If anyone could tell me what  shows they are involved in or that they know of, I can type up a list  for us.  I really appreciate your help seeing that I am not from  around here and do not know all the towns that have theatre.   Thanks so much, Hillary

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<div id="RTEContent"> Dear neopal subscribers,  I am trying  to compile a list of shows in the Akron, Canton, Cleveland, and so on  area for Kent State's Theatre Roundtable.  We like to get together  and go support fellow performers.  If anyone could tell me what  shows they are involved in or that they know of, I can type up a list  for us.  I really appreciate your help seeing that I am not from  around here and do not know all the towns that have theatre.   Thanks so much, Hillary<br>  </div><p>
		<hr size=1>Bring words and photos together (easily) with<br> 
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