[NEohioPAL]Paid Position Available Immediately:Artist-in-residence at Elementary school for spring project

Carrie Bodenger februarycarrie at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 3 17:32:39 PST 2006

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A second grade teacher at Old Brooklyn Montessori School secured a theatre arts grant for a project she and I created for her classroom. Unfortunately by the time the grant came through I was scheduled for hip replacement surgery. Her proposal  covers working with her class to create several skits based on Character Education, including teaching basic stage and acting elements, rehearsal time, writing a "bio" for the program, etc. It culminates in a short (about 45 minute) performance for the school and a repeat performance for family members. The artist-in-residence gets $35.00 per hour for a maximum of 35 hours. Please email me as soon as possible if you are interested in getting more details about this great spring project. I need to find a replacement before Monday, March 13th, my surgery date. Thanks. Carrie Bodenger
 Yahoo! Mail
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A second grade teacher at Old Brooklyn Montessori School secured a theatre arts grant for a project she and I created for her classroom. Unfortunately by the time the grant came through I was scheduled for hip replacement surgery. Her proposal  covers working with her class to create several skits based on Character Education, including teaching basic stage and acting elements, rehearsal time, writing a "bio" for the program, etc. It culminates in a short (about 45 minute) performance for the school and a repeat performance for family members. The artist-in-residence gets $35.00 per hour for a maximum of 35 hours. Please email me as soon as possible if you are interested in getting more details about this great spring project. I need to find a replacement before Monday, March 13th, my surgery date. Thanks. Carrie Bodenger<p>
		<hr size=1> Yahoo! Mail<br> 
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