[NEOPAL]Re: really, REALLY, important message from Fred about making

D. Budin popcycles at sbcglobal.net
Sat Mar 25 22:46:26 PST 2006

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I'd like to add one more thing to Fred's message. His first point, about "less is more," referred to sending the same posting fewer times -- like once a week, as opposed to every day, which is a good point.  
  But "less is more" also should apply to the length of your message.  People have been increasingly posting their organization's entire schedule for the month, season and what sometimes seems like the next year.  Some of these message, if printed out, would be several pages long. I'd be surprised if anyone actually reads any more than the first paragraph or two because the postings are so long and copy-dense and uninviting-looking -- and not many people would care, at the moment, what's happening at your place weeks or months from now.  
  Why not just post what's coming up in the next week or so; then post more the following week, and so on?  People will actually read your messages, and you'll get much more out of it.
  David Budin

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<div>I'd like to add one more thing to Fred's message. His first point, about "less is more," referred to sending the same posting fewer times -- like once a week, as opposed to every day, which is a good point.  </div>  <div> </div>  <div>But "less is more" also should apply to the length of your message.  People have been increasingly posting their organization's entire schedule for the month, season and what sometimes seems like the next year.  Some of these message, if printed out, would be several pages long. I'd be surprised if anyone actually reads any more than the first paragraph or two because the postings are so long and copy-dense and uninviting-looking -- and not many people would care, at the moment, what's happening at your place weeks or months from now.  </div>  <div> </div>  <div>Why not just post what's coming up in the next week or so; then post more the following week, and so on? 
 People will actually read your messages, and you'll get much more out of it.</div>  <div> </div>  <div>David Budin</div>

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