[NEohioPAL]I Need To Talk To A Patent Lawyer

music darrell music_dl at yahoo.com
Thu May 4 07:09:15 PDT 2006

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If you are a patent lawyer, or you know one who would be intersted in a patent case involving a lead inventor on a patent wanting to retain rights.  I would really like to talk to you.  Very briefly, my brother is the lead inventor on a patent that is on file with the patent office.  This huge company that's using the patent wants to take it from him.  Everything I've read says they can't.  I believe there's potentially a lot (a lot) of money in this. 
  If you can help or know someone who can.  Please contact me.
  music_dl at yahoo.com

Darrell Lee Music
Music Director and Conductor
Stow Symphony Orchestra
Stow, Ohio 

Yahoo! Mail goes everywhere you do.  Get it on your phone.
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<div>If you are a patent lawyer, or you know one who would be intersted in a patent case involving a lead inventor on a patent wanting to retain rights.  I would really like to talk to you.  Very briefly, my brother is the lead inventor on a patent that is on file with the patent office.  This huge company that's using the patent wants to take it from him.  Everything I've read says they can't.  I believe there's potentially a lot (a lot) of money in this. </div>  <div> </div>  <div>If you can help or know someone who can.  Please contact me.</div>  <div> </div>  <div><A href="mailto:music_dl at yahoo.com">music_dl at yahoo.com</A></div>  <div>330.688.9784</div>  <div> </div>  <div>Thanks</div><BR><BR><DIV>
<DIV>Darrell Lee Music<BR>Music Director and Conductor<BR>Stow Symphony Orchestra<BR>Stow, Ohio <BR> </DIV></DIV><p>
		<hr size=1>Yahoo! Mail goes everywhere you do. <a href="http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=31132/*http://mobile.yahoo.com/services?promote=mail"> Get it on your phone</a>.

>From JR Simons <jovialities at peoplepc.com>  Thu May  4 15:14:46 2006
From: JR Simons <jovialities at peoplepc.com> (JR Simons)
Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 10:14:46 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
Subject: [NEohioPAL]Community theatre question
Message-ID: <27660321.1146752087285.JavaMail.root at mswamui-valley.atl.sa.earthlink.net>

<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.2873" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
<DIV>I can only speak to the area in which I am most familiar.  I work with high school students and community theatre participation counts as community service towards membership in the National Honor Society.  However, if you are considering suggesting to someone that they use volunteer hours in community theatre toward a court-ordered community service sentence, you might want to check with the court first to see if THEY consider community theatre a community service.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>J. R. Simons</DIV>
<DIV>The Jovialities Entertainment Co., Ltd.</DIV>
<DIV><A href="http://www.jovialities.8m.com">www.jovialities.8m.com</A><BR></DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid">-----Original Message----- <BR>From: Craig M Russell <CMRACTOR at GMAIL.COM><BR>Sent: May 3, 2006 7:48 PM <BR>To: neohiopal at lists.fredsternfeld.com <BR>Subject: [NEohioPAL]Community theatre question <BR><BR>
<DIV>I have a question.  Would you guys consider community theatre a form of community service?  My personal answer would be yes ... and my reason would be because a lot of people volunteer a lot of hours for a (probably) non-profit organization.  What do you guys think? </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>

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