[NEohioPAL]Looking for a Little Person!

Ike McGibbon tripleredheadthreat at yahoo.com
Wed May 17 05:52:02 PDT 2006

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Looking for a male little person, aged 21 and up, to play a small speaking role in a short form sit-com currently in production.  The sooner you are available, the better!  There will be small compensation for this part.  Please send an email to: tripleredheadthreat at yahoo.com for more details.
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Looking for a male little person, aged 21 and up, to play a small speaking role in a short form sit-com currently in production.  The sooner you are available, the better!  There will be small compensation for this part.  Please send an email to: <A href="mailto:tripleredheadthreat at yahoo.com">tripleredheadthreat at yahoo.com</A> for more details.<p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com 

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