eddie lengyel eddielengyel at sbcglobal.net
Tue May 30 11:42:52 PDT 2006

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Wicked  things  the movie .
  actors needed for indy film wicked things
  Nick-30 ish inteligent actor easy going able to handle camping
  Shelly-late 20 ish co star serious type not afraid to get dirty 
  Zack-older hillbilly bald head a huge plus able to do redneck a must
  Retarded brother- late 20 ish early 30 must be able to create kaos freak of nature able to handle gross stuff this character is a huge part of the movie.
  contact eddielengyel at sbcglobal.net 216-324-1160

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<div>Wicked  things  the movie .</div>  <div>actors needed for indy film wicked things</div>  <div> </div>  <div>Nick-30 ish inteligent actor easy going able to handle camping</div>  <div> </div>  <div>Shelly-late 20 ish co star serious type not afraid to get dirty </div>  <div> </div>  <div>Zack-older hillbilly bald head a huge plus able to do redneck a must</div>  <div> </div>  <div>Retarded brother- late 20 ish early 30 must be able to create kaos freak of nature able to handle gross stuff this character is a huge part of the movie.</div>  <div>contact <A href="mailto:eddielengyel at sbcglobal.net">eddielengyel at sbcglobal.net</A> 216-324-1160</div>

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