[NEohioPAL]Cleveland Shakespeare Festival Seeking Weapons/Props!

Sean Szaller seanszaller at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jun 4 23:48:07 PDT 2006

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Cleveland Shakespeare Festival is seeking the following weaponry for its' upcoming production of "King Lear":
  -- 4 Muskets
  -- 2 Flint-lock pistols 
  (*Please note, these weapons do NOT need to be operational)
  In addition, they are also seeking:
  -- A barber style straight-edge razor (ala Sweeney Todd).
  If you are able to help with any of these items, please contact Sean Szaller by replying to this email.  Thank you.
  Sean Szaller
  Stage Manager, "King Lear"
  Cleveland Shakespeare Festival

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<div><U>Cleveland Shakespeare Festival</U> is seeking the following weaponry for its' upcoming production of "King Lear":</div>  <div> </div>  <div>-- 4 Muskets</div>  <div>-- 2 Flint-lock pistols </div>  <div> </div>  <div><EM>(*Please note, these weapons do NOT need to be operational)</EM></div>  <div> </div>  <div>In addition, they are also seeking:</div>  <div> </div>  <div>-- A barber style straight-edge razor (ala Sweeney Todd).</div>  <div> </div>  <div>If you are able to help with any of these items, please contact Sean Szaller by replying to this email.  Thank you.</div>  <div> </div>  <div>Sean Szaller</div>  <div>Stage Manager, "King Lear"</div>  <div>Cleveland Shakespeare Festival</div>

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