[NEohioPAL]Yes, Friday Night TV and Film Acting Workshop

Maureen Dempsey fromstage2screen at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 14 13:44:32 PDT 2006

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Hello Everybody,
  Yes I am having my film and TV acting Workshop this Friday.
  Starts at 7pm.
  $10, no registration, just come by, no need to prepare anything.
  Here is the rest of the info... http://www.hollywoodprep.com/wow.htm
  Next week there will also be class.  
  There will be NO Class on June 30th, 2006.  I will be at my openning night for "Ain't We Got Fun"  Tix are on sale http://www.hollywoodprep.com/gotfun.htm
  Please don't forget about the upcoming auditions for "Survival" http://www.hollywoodprep.com/survival.htm

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<div>Hello Everybody,</div>  <div> </div>  <div>Yes I am having my film and TV acting Workshop this Friday.</div>  <div>Starts at 7pm.</div>  <div>$10, no registration, just come by, no need to prepare anything.</div>  <div> </div>  <div>Here is the rest of the info... <A href="http://www.hollywoodprep.com/wow.htm">http://www.hollywoodprep.com/wow.htm</A></div>  <div> </div>  <div>Next week there will also be class.  </div>  <div> </div>  <div><STRONG>There will be NO Class on June 30th, 2006</STRONG>.  I will be at my openning night for "Ain't We Got Fun"  Tix are on sale <A href="http://www.hollywoodprep.com/gotfun.htm">http://www.hollywoodprep.com/gotfun.htm</A></div>  <div> </div>  <div>Please don't forget about the upcoming auditions for "Survival" <A href="http://www.hollywoodprep.com/survival.htm">http://www.hollywoodprep.com/survival.htm</A></div><p> __________________________________________________<br>Do You
 Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com 

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