[NEohioPAL]Last Call at the House of Blues!

Jef Etters jefetters at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 11 18:11:40 PDT 2006

Last Call Cleveland, our city's "Best Performing Arts
Group of 2005" according to Free Times magazine will
be doing ANOTHER show at The House of Blues!  Sunday
September 24, at 8 pm...only 5 bucks!  You'll get 2
stand up comedians and a full Last Call show.  Get
there early because the last show was sold out -
standing room only!

Also take note that Last Call's videos have really
been taking off on the web...we've had 2 of our
video's picked up by Opie and Anthony's site as video
of the day!  You can see over 20 of our videos at

Come see what everybody's talking about!

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