[NEohioPAL]Theatre Magazines available

Linda Eisenstein lindaeisenstein at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 23 07:32:41 PDT 2006

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I am a playwright with the Cleveland Play House and live in Kent. I am
  divesting  myself of my theatre magazine library including American  theatre
  mag and Dramatists Guild from at least 10 years. Would anyone like them for
  themselves or your students or program in any way? I would be happy to
  contribute them rather than throw them out.
  Sandra Perlman
  P.O. Box 906
  Kent OH 44240
  (330) 673-8632
  perl at sperlman.com

Linda Eisenstein 
Cleveland, OH, USA  
lindaeisenstein at yahoo.com   www.lindaeisenstein.com
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<DIV>I am a playwright with the Cleveland Play House and live in Kent. I am</DIV>  <DIV>divesting  myself of my theatre magazine library including American  theatre</DIV>  <DIV>mag and Dramatists Guild from at least 10 years. Would anyone like them for</DIV>  <DIV>themselves or your students or program in any way? I would be happy to</DIV>  <DIV>contribute them rather than throw them out.</DIV>  <DIV>PERL</DIV>  <DIV>-- </DIV>  <DIV>Sandra Perlman</DIV>  <DIV>P.O. Box 906</DIV>  <DIV>Kent OH 44240</DIV>  <DIV>(330) 673-8632</DIV>  <DIV>perl at sperlman.com</DIV>  <DIV><A href="http://www.sperlman.com" EUDORA="AUTOURL">http://www.sperlman.com</A></DIV>  <DIV> </DIV><BR><BR>---<br>Linda Eisenstein <br>Cleveland, OH, USA  <br>lindaeisenstein at yahoo.com   www.lindaeisenstein.com<br>http://lindaeisenstein.blogspot.com

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