Harmony Staxx the_tripartite_soul at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 25 10:25:34 PDT 2006

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          Kinjiru Academy is a school of the arts, ( see
          http://www.kinjiruacademy.com ) where the
          youth in this area can go for developing their
          minds & their bodies, in an intimate class
          setting and structural environment.  As Kinjiru 
          Academy's teachings are based upon a very 
          ecclectic approach to training.  Simply stated 
          it is much more complete and efficient without 
          the limitations of a one dimensional approach -
          ( a this is the only way attitude ) - My approach 
          to teaching is very effective because, the intent 
          purpose is first and foremost intrinsically based 
          upon ethics & a moral code of conscience. 
          Most if not all upheavals within a society
          or social group is rooted in fact upon crisis
          in self - esteem. So, I first point out to each 
          individual student their intrinsic worth & value 
          by a personal approach to teaching - everyone 
          is an individual first and a part of the organicism 
          of social structure second.  That way my students
          are'nt confused by peer groups or the media 
          telling them who they should be or who they 
          are not based on a false sense of  self ! Because,
          that just is not right.  All human beings need to 
          come to know who they are !  Not  'externally' 
          but rather 'internally'' once this level of 'self 
          awareness' reveals itself to the individual 
          they no longer have this crisis in individual 
          self - esteem.  So,  through the arts  that I 
          teach be it martial art, drawing & illustration 
          or neo-classical  guitar classes - my students 
          are learning how to honestly express themselves 
          not through a false sense of pride. But rather,
          through a form of that which is intrinsically 
          part of them - artistic individual expression. 
          Through which comes the 'self - discipline' of 
          coming to the knowledge of who one really is 
          or is about to  become, and that's important.
          Because, the  youth are our future leaders, 
          and if they are caught up in the confusion of
          the crisis of their own identity they'll have no
          respect for themselves or others, then they're lost. 
          Therefore, I can help them find themselves, and
          teach them to think for themselves both morally
          & ethically.  With a form of expressive discipline
          that they and their  parents will come to honor &
          revere ; as an integral part of nurturing their
          intelligence.  As well as a methodology for 
          developing and sustaining a disciplinary code 
          of conscience,i.e., morals and ethics. Because,
          it works not only for the individual interested 
          in art or the martial arts,  but for the individual's 
          life as a human being. 

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                                   <IMG src="http://l5r.alderac.com/clanletters/mon_scorpion.gif">   <DIV> </DIV> 
 <DIV>                                                                                                                        </DIV>  <DIV>       </DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        Kinjiru Academy is a school of the arts, ( see</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black"
 size=3>        <A href="http://www.kinjiruacademy.com/" target=_blank rel=nofollow _><FONT color=#003399>http://www.kinjiruacademy.com</FONT></A> ) where the</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        youth in this area can go for developing their</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        minds & their bodies, in an intimate class</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        setting and structural environment.  As Kinjiru </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        Academy's </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>teachings are based upon </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>a</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> very </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>       
 ecclectic approach to </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>training.  Simply</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> stated </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        it is much more complete and efficient w</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>ithout </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        the limitations of a </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>one </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>dimensional </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>approach -</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        ( a this is the only</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> way attitude ) -</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> My approach </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        to</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> teaching is
 </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>very effective because,</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> the intent </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        purpose </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>is first and foremost intrinsically </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>based </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        upon ethics & a moral code of </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>conscience. </FONT></DIV>  <DIV> </DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        Most if not all upheavals within </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>a society</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        or social</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> group is rooted in fact upon </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>crisis</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial
 Black" size=3>        in self - esteem. </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>So, I first point out to each </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        individual student their</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> intrinsic worth & value </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        by </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>a personal approach to </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>teaching - everyone </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        is </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>an individual first and a part </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>of the organicism </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        of social structure second.  That </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>way my students</FONT></DIV> 
 <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        are'nt confused by peer groups </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>or the media </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        telling them who they should be or </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>who they </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        are not based on a false sense of  self ! Because,</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        that just is not right.  All human </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>beings need</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> to </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        come to know who they </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>are ! </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> Not </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black"
 size=3> 'externally'</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        but rather 'internally'' once </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>this level of </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>'self </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        awareness'</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> reveals itself to</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> the </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>individual </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        they no longer have this crisis</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> in </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>individual </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        self - </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>esteem.  So,</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black"
 size=3>  through the </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>arts </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> that I </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        teach be it </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>martial art, </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>drawing &</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> illustration </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        or neo-classical  guitar </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>classes - my students</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        are learning </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>how </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>to </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>honestly express themselves </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black"
 size=3>        not through a false sense of pride. But rather,</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        through a form of that which is intrinsically </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        part of them - artistic individual expression. </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        Through which </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>comes </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>the 'self - discipline' of </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        coming to the</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> knowledge of who one really is </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        or is about to </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> become, and </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black"
 size=3>that's important.</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        Because, the</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>  youth are our future leaders, </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        and if they are </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>caught up in the confusion of</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        the crisis of </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>their own identity they'll have no</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        respect for </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>themselves or others, then they're lost. </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        Therefore, I </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>can help them find themselves, and</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black"
 size=3>        teach them to think for themselves both morally</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        & ethically. </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> With a </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>form </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>of expressive discipline</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        that they and </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>their </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> parents will come to honor &</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        revere ; as an </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>integral part of nurturing their</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        intelligence.  As </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>well as a methodology for
 </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        developing and </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>sustaining a disciplinary code </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        of conscience,i.e.,</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> morals and ethics. </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>Because,</FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        it works </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>not only for </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>the individual</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> interested </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        in art or the </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>martial arts, </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> but for the</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3> individual's </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT
 face="Arial Black" size=3>        life as a </FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>human being. </FONT></DIV>  <DIV><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>        </FONT></DIV><p> 
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