[NEohioPAL]To the Theatre Community Seasons Greetings

Jeffrey E. Braun imnactor2 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 20 18:11:13 PST 2006

It is the time of year again to wish a heartfelt and
sincere greetings and great wishes of happiness,
health, peace and joy to all in the Theatre Community.
To both the Musical Theatre's performers and those in
the straight dramas, comedy's and Shakespeare alike.
To those I have worked with, and those I will yet to
meet. To those I have admired from the audience, and
those from just a far. To my many friends and you know
who you are, and to those that I hope to share the
stage with and can add to my list of people I adore.
To the tireless Tech Crews, Choreographers and
Directors and Music Directors and Musicians who make
us all look good, as they work ever so diligently
behind the scenes. As well as the Artistic Directors
and Office and Box office and Usher people. To all
those that I may have had a "Diva" moment with, or you
with me. I forgive you, and hope you in turn forgive
me as it is all to much drama in the scheme of life.
It is my biggest blessing that I get a chance, a
privilege to walk among all of you talented talented
people and call you friends. I thank god for that. May
the Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord shine
down upon you and yours this holiday season and bring
you peace.
Curtains UP! Love  Jeffrey E. Braun

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