ileifewriter at aim.com ileifewriter at aim.com
Mon Jan 29 09:40:09 PST 2007

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 Greetings Neohiopal members,
This quick note is to inform you of the release of my new CD entitled "Empowered." Empowered is a collection of 14 songs, stories, raps and rhymes written for family and community. All material is written and performed by myself. I also perform all background vocals and accompany myself on the kalimba/mbira and the guitar. "Empowered," is suitable for all ages, targeting foremost, young children and teens. There are 14 cuts on "Empowered," each one leaving a healthy message for listeners. Material focuses upon topics such as literacy, self-esteem, healthy values, peer pressure, standards of beauty, unity in the community, etc. I am accompanied by a master drummer as well as three lovely children who are my call & response section.  These CD's will be soon finding their way into public, private and school libraries and are currently making an entrance into the retail sector. If anyone is interested in ordering my CD or learning more about it or about me and how they can book a performance, please e-mail me at ifestoryteller at aol.com.
Thank you
Ife (Writer/Performer)
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<div> Greetings Neohiopal members,</div>

<div> </div>

<div>This quick note is to inform you of the release of my new CD entitled "Empowered." Empowered is a collection of 14 songs, stories, raps and rhymes written for family and community. All material is written and performed by myself. I also perform all background vocals and accompany myself on the kalimba/mbira and the guitar. "Empowered," is suitable for all ages, targeting foremost, young children and teens. There are 14 cuts on "Empowered," each one leaving a healthy message for listeners. Material focuses upon topics such as literacy, self-esteem, healthy values, peer pressure, standards of beauty, unity in the community, etc. I am accompanied by a master drummer as well as three lovely children who are my call & response section.  These CD's will be soon finding their way into public, private and school libraries and are currently making an entrance into the retail sector. If anyone is interested in ordering my CD or learning more about it or about me and how they can book a performance, please e-mail me at <A href="mailto:ifestoryteller at aol.com">ifestoryteller at aol.com</A>.</div>

<div> </div>

<div>Thank you</div>

<div>Ife (Writer/Performer)</div>

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