Bill cinevid at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 31 09:28:33 PST 2007

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      Now available on DVD           The DVD release of the indie feature film, Madness includes special features, like two director's commentaries (one creative and one technical), behind the scenes video, the trailer, and interviews with the stars from the Cleveland Premier Preview at Tower City Cinemas.
  Steve Anderson, The Video Store Guy wrote, "Madness proves to be a spectacular suspense thriller, with all the makings of a first-rate horror film. This incredible mix of shock, surprises and assorted lunacy makes for great viewing. If you can find it, see it. " 
  Well, now you can! 

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<TABLE cellSpacing=6 cellPadding=6 width=400 align=center bgColor=#990000>  <TBODY>  <TR>  <TD align=middle><SPAN class=style6><STRONG><FONT face="times new roman" color=#ffff66 size=6>Now available on DVD</FONT></STRONG></SPAN> </TD></TR>  <TR>  <TD align=middle><IMG height=329 src="http://cinevidproductions.com/madness/images/WebDVDsalesBannerSmall.jpg" width=388 useMap=#Map border=0></TD></TR>  <TR>  <TD align=middle>  <div class=style4><FONT color=#ffff00 size=4>The DVD release of the indie feature film, <STRONG>Madness</STRONG> includes special features, like two director's commentaries (one creative and one technical), behind the scenes video, the trailer, and interviews with the stars from the Cleveland Premier Preview at Tower City Cinemas.</FONT></div>  <div class=style4><FONT color=#ffff00 size=4></FONT> </div>  <div class=style4><FONT size=4><FONT color=#ffff00>Steve Anderson, The Video Store Guy wrote,</FONT> <SPAN class=style5><FONT
 color=#ffffff>"<EM>Madness proves to be a spectacular suspense thriller, with all the makings of a first-rate horror film. This incredible mix of shock, surprises and assorted lunacy makes for great viewing. If you can find it, see it.</EM> " </FONT></SPAN></FONT></div>  <div class=style4><FONT color=#ffffff size=4><SPAN class=style5></SPAN></FONT> </div>  <div class=style4><FONT color=#ffff00 size=4>Well, now you can! </FONT></div></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><p> 

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