[NEohioPAL]Volunteer Fundraiser Needed for Special Film

promiseheart at lpemail.com promiseheart at lpemail.com
Thu Feb 1 08:11:06 PST 2007

To anyone interested:

Our group in Akron is putting together a low-budget film called "Mama's
Plan", which deals with a very serious social issue.  Our objective is to
discourage girls/young women from discarding, abondoning, or harming their
newborn babies in any way.  The film would be provided free of charge to
any school or organization that is interested.

Other than the filming/production costs involved, this is an all volunteer
effort by those who want to help make a difference in society!  We are
still in the pre-production phase of the film.

One of greatest needs is a person(s) who could help us with fundraising or
be in charge of fundraising.  We need an individual(s) who believes in the
sanctity of life, has good ideas, is self-motivated, and has reliable
transportation since we are based in Akron.  Again, this position would be
on a voluntary basis only.

Please check out our website at:  www.mamasplan.com to get more info.
about our film.
If interested, please call (330) 633-6093 or simply reply to this e-mail. 
Hope to hear from you soon.  Thank you for your interest.


The "Mama's Plan" Film Group

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