[NEohioPAL]USHERS NEEDED for "The Price."

Ensemble Theatre ensemble-theatre at sbcglobal.net
Fri Feb 2 10:02:28 PST 2007

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Ensemble is in NEED OF USHERS  for it's current production of "THE PRICE" by Arthur Miller.  This show is directed by Dorothy Silver and stars: Reuben Silver, Joel Hammer, Charles Kartali, and Maryann Elder.  
  The production dates and times are as follows:
  Thursdays Feb. 15 & 22.  Curtain is 8pm-Ushers needed at 7pm.
  Fridays Feb. 9, 16, & 23.  Curtain is 8pm-Ushers needed at 7pm.
  Satudays Feb. 10, 17, & 24.  Curtain is at 8pm-Ushers needed at 7pm.
  Sundays Feb. 11, 18, & 25. Curtian is at 3pm.-Ushers needed at 2pm.
  *Free admission to the performance* is our thank you to whomever would like to volunteer at these times and usher for us.  If you are interested you can either email or call.
  Email: ensemble_theatre at sbcglobal.net
  Phone:216.321.2930 (office)
  Thank you!!
  Celeste Cosentino
  Operations Manager
  Ensemble Theatre

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<div>Ensemble is in <STRONG>NEED OF USHERS</STRONG>  for it's current production of "THE PRICE" by Arthur Miller.  This show is directed by <STRONG>Dorothy Silver</STRONG> and stars: <STRONG>Reuben Silver, Joel Hammer, Charles</STRONG> <STRONG>Kartali, and Maryann Elder</STRONG>.  </div>  <div> </div>  <div>The production dates and times are as follows:</div>  <div>Thursdays Feb. 15 & 22.  Curtain is 8pm-Ushers needed at 7pm.</div>  <div>Fridays Feb. 9, 16, & 23.  Curtain is 8pm-Ushers needed at 7pm.</div>  <div>Satudays Feb. 10, 17, & 24.  Curtain is at 8pm-Ushers needed at 7pm.</div>  <div>Sundays Feb. 11, 18, & 25. Curtian is at 3pm.-Ushers needed at 2pm.</div>  <div> </div>  <div><STRONG>*Free admission to the performance*</STRONG> is our thank you to whomever would like to volunteer at these times and usher for us.  If you are interested you can either email or call.</div>  <div>Email: <A
 href="mailto:ensemble_theatre at sbcglobal.net">ensemble_theatre at sbcglobal.net</A></div>  <div>Phone:216.321.2930 (office)</div>  <div> </div>  <div>Thank you!!</div>  <div>Celeste Cosentino</div>  <div>Operations Manager</div>  <div>Ensemble Theatre</div>  <div> </div>

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