Fwd: [NEohioPAL]Fwd: Fw: Bush cuts off NPR and PBS

Love McGinty lovemcginty at ameritech.net
Tue Feb 13 10:28:20 PST 2007

If this were a political site... I would say Gee, you have elected =
officials who's job it is to help and represent you. Start by going to =
your Congressional representative and make your feelings known. It would =
then be their job to enact legislation to fund by appropriation, =
programs that they deem necessary. Here is a link to help explain =
This guide is for children. You can select your appropriate grade level =
to allow you to absorb the necessary information. Or you can send emails =
to all your friends and the rest of us and hurl eggs at people you just =
don't like. The process starts with you. Go see your elected official. =
Have you done that yet????

Love McGinty =20

-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Kamps [mailto:lee921 at att.net]=20
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 12:39 PM
To: Love McGinty; ensemble-theatre at sbcglobal.net
Cc: neohiopal at lists.fredsternfeld.com
Subject: RE: Fwd: [NEohioPAL]Fwd: Fw: Bush cuts off NPR and PBS

Somewhere in these rants a major point is being lost and that is we must =
support NPR and PBS. This is nothing new since the same kind of ranting =
came when Reagan and Nixon were in the white house. NPR and PBS are =
partially supported through the government as an alternative to =
commercial media. This is so that they can offer innovative cultural and =
educational programming that regular commercial media cannot provide. =
This is also so that the programs aren't clutterred with commercials or =
they have to kowtow to advertisers.

It is no small fact that to those on the political right, NPR and PBS =
are seen as "left wing" and "ultra-liberal". Just listen for one hour of =
Rush Limbaugh's rants and you will hear the "left wing" media of NPR and =
PBS brought up all the time. "Conservative talk radio" is on commercial =
stations because powerful, wealthy, conservative advertisers support it =
by purchasing advertising on it. The right wing in this country, led by =
the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter would very much like the =
government to stop ALL funding of NPR and PBS. Also according to those =
on the "conservative talk radio", George W. Bush cannot do any wrong and =
Bill Clinton did nothing right when he was president.=20

NPR and PBS need our full support since they provide a large outlet for =
cultural, artistic and educational programming on radio and television =
that cannot be possible on regular commercial media. Everyone in the =
arts community needs to support NPR and PBS both financially and =
politically so they can keep providing the kind of entertainment and =
commentary not found on regular commercial media.

Lee Kamps=20

-----Original Message-----
From: neohiopal-admin at lists.fredsternfeld.com
[mailto:neohiopal-admin at lists.fredsternfeld.com]On Behalf Of Love
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:48 AM
To: ensemble-theatre at sbcglobal.net
Cc: neohiopal at lists.fredsternfeld.com
Subject: FW: Fwd: [NEohioPAL]Fwd: Fw: Bush cuts off NPR and PBS


Not everyone shares your opinion. The only way this country will stay =
together is to support it. We all know what happens to a nation divided =
against itself. The good and the bad, the right and the left and the =
mistakes and the good decisions. The President is the head of our =
country and the Commander in Chief. I don't appreciate people like you =
that only want to throw eggs every chance you get. Throw some solutions. =
Be friendly and not combative. My last request is to take your political =
opinions and move them to a political site. I don't think that this site =
was on the link at moveon.org. I would appreciate if you would take your =
disharmony to moveon.org and share it there with people that think as =
you do. I respect and pray for our military. It has a top and a bottom. =
At the top is the President. My respect and prayers are for all of them. =
They are in harms way engaged in a war. (my opinion)

Love McGinty

-----Original Message-----
From: neohiopal-admin at lists.fredsternfeld.com =
[mailto:neohiopal-admin at lists.fredsternfeld.com] On Behalf Of Richard =
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:08 AM
To: ensemble-theatre at sbcglobal.net
Cc: neohiopal at lists.fredsternfeld.com
Subject: RE: Fwd: [NEohioPAL]Fwd: Fw: Bush cuts off NPR and PBS

"For several years the Bush administration has been trying to cut =
for NPR
and PBS."

This is hardly the same as "cutting off funding". If you are going to =
political statements you need to be accurate. Right now you look pretty =
I am not a Rebublican nor am I a supporter of the current =
policies in most areas. . But seriously, you are doing more damage than =
when you post false information.


>From: Ensemble Theatre <ensemble-theatre at sbcglobal.net>
>To: Christian Pine <Mulder4356 at yahoo.com>,Vincent Polowy=20
><vincentmagicprod at aol.com>,NEOhioPal Posting=20
><neohiopal at lists.fredsternfeld.com>,Matthew Prosty=20
><fourthwallproductions at yahoo.com>,Dramatic Publishing=20
><AmateurRoyalties at dpcplays.com>,Beth Raum <beth at r-town.net>, Michael =
><mike at r-town.net>,"RAINBOW REPERTORY COMPANY INC. THE"=20
><rainbowrep at neo.rr.com>,rnavisjr at aol.com, David Rohler <dpr at plexar.com>
>Subject: Fwd: [NEohioPAL]Fwd: Fw: Bush cuts off NPR and PBS
>Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 12:59:16 -0800 (PST)
>Dear Friends, Family, Ensemble Supporters,
>   We are outraged that the man(?) in the White House is cutting off=20
>   to public radio and television and sending it to Iraq. We, along =
>the theatre and arts community of Cleveland and Northeast Ohio, greatly =

>support National Public Radio(NPR) and the Public Broadcasting System=20
>(PBS). Between these two outlets, more public arts funding programs are =

>seen and heard throughout the United States and Canada.
>   Please consider the consequences of this slashing of these public =
>from these vital rgans of free press and alternatives to commercial =
>and television. As usual, our children will suffer from the absence of=20
>these essential public organs.
>   Please add your name to the attached petition. Several  attempts by =
>in the past to cut off funds have been defeated, and we can do it =
>   It is up to you, again.
>   Martin Cosentino
>   Special Projects Associate
>   Ensemble Theatre of Cleveland
>Note: forwarded message attached.

>From: <sharonmxg at cox.net>
>To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
>Subject: [NEohioPAL]Fwd: Fw: Bush cuts off NPR and PBS
>Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 10:01:36 -0500
>If you are already a MoveOn.org Member you will have seen this most =
>petition already. If you have not signed yet, I respectfully request =
>you do so now.
>For several years the Bush administration has been trying to cut =
>for NPR and PBS. Late last year, Bush tried to make it happen again.=20
>Petitions like this one were signed, the people spoke and the funds =
>kept in place.
>The Bush Man is trying again. The most recent budget proposed by W - =
>one that is trying to make the upper class tax cuts permanent and boost =

>funds for the war in Iraq - reccommends a budget cut to NPR/PBS of 25%.
>Please read the following and if you feel that these
>public programming channels should be maintained as a forum for family
>friendly, educational, rounded, commercial free programming, please =
>effort to stop the budget cut.
>MoveOn member,
>George W. Bush is trying=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=E2=80=9Dyet =
again=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=E2=80=9Dto slash funding for NPR and PBS.=20
>week, Bush proposed a new budget with devastating cuts to public
>broadcasting.1 "Sesame Street" and other ad-free kids' shows are under =
>knife. So is the independent journalism our country needs.
>Enough is enough. We've fought this fight before and =
won=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=E2=80=9Dbut we can't=20
>the risk anymore. With the new Congress, we can make sure this never=20
>again. We need Congress to insulate NPR and PBS from the political =
>*We can make it happen if enough of us sign this petition: **"Congress =
>save NPR and PBS once and for all. Congress should guarantee permanent
>funding and independence from partisan meddling." *Clicking here will =
>your name to the petition:
>After you sign, please forward this email to your friends, family, and
>co-workers to keep this campaign going. We'll deliver the petition to
>members of Congress as they consider Bush's =
budget=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=E2=80=9Doffering a public
>counterpoint to this dangerous attack.
>Congress can protect NPR and PBS from future cuts. The long-term =
>save public radio and TV is to:
>- fully restore this year's funding
>- guarantee a permanent funding stream free from political pressure
>- reform how the money is spent and keep partisan appointees from
>pushing a political bias
>Bush's budget would cut federal funds for public broadcasting by nearly =

>1 According to PBS, the cuts "could mean the end of our ability to =
>some of the most treasured educational children's series" like "Sesame
>Street," "Reading Rainbow," and "Arthur."2
>As telecommunications chair Rep. Ed Markey said, "In a 24-7 television=20
>with content often inappropriate for young children, the public=20
>system represents an oasis of quality, child-oriented educational
>programming. We owe America's children and their parents this free,
>over-the-air resource."1
>The cuts could also decimate one of the last remaining sources of =
>reporting on TV=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=E2=80=9Dcontinuing the partisan war on =
journalism led by the
>ex-chair of public broadcasting, Ken Tomlinson.3 More people trust =
>broadcasting than any corporate news media.4 President Bush would =
>undermine our free press than face reporters who are asking tough=20
>*Let's put an end to the constant threats to NPR and PBS. Let's ask=20
>to guarantee funding and stop partisan meddling. *Clicking here will =
>your name to the petition:
>Thank you for all you do.
>=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=E2=80=9CNoah, Marika, Eli, Adam G. and the MoveOn.org =
Civic Action Team
>Thursday, February 8th, 2007
>P.S. Our friends at Free Press have more on how to save NPR and PBS =
>for all:
>1. "Bush Proposes Steep Cut to PBS Funding," TV Week, February 5, 2007
>2. PBS' Ready to Learn program (funds "Sesame Street" and other =
>3. "Tomlinson Slinks Away," MediaCitizen, November 3, 2005
>4. "2005 'Open to the Public' Objectivity and Balance Report," =
>for Public Broadcasting, January 31, 2006
>*Subscription Management:*
>This is a message from MoveOn.org Civic Action. To change your email
>address, update your contact info, or remove yourself (Jody Epstein) =
>this list, please visit our subscription management page at:
>blessed are the flexible for they are never bent out of shape.

>Content-Type: text/html; charset=3Dutf-8
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>   <head>
>   </head>
>   <body>
>     <div>
>       <p>
>         If you are already a MoveOn.org Member you will have seen this =

>         recent petition already. If you have not signed yet, I=20
>         request that you do so now.
>       </p>
>       <p>
>         For several years the Bush administration has been trying to =
>         funding for NPR and PBS. Late last year, Bush tried to make it =

>         again. Petitions like this one were signed, the people spoke =
>         funds were kept in place.
>       </p>
>       <p>
>         The Bush Man is trying again. The most recent budget proposed =
by W=20
>         the one that is trying to make the upper class tax cuts =
>         boost funds for the war in Iraq - reccommends a budget cut to=20
>         of 25%.
>       </p>
>       <p>
>         Unacceptable.
>       </p>
>       <p>
>         Please read the following and if you feel that these<br>public
>         programming channels should be maintained as a forum for=20
>         friendly, educational, rounded, commercial free programming,=20
>         join the<br>effort to stop the budget=20
>         member,<br><br>George W. Bush is trying=E2=80=94yet =
again=E2=80=94to slash funding=20
>         NPR and PBS. This<br>week, Bush proposed a new budget with=20
>         cuts to public<br>broadcasting.1 "Sesame Street" and =

>other ad-free
>         kids' shows are under the<br>knife. So is the independent=20
>         our country needs.<br><br>Enough is enough. We've fought this=20
>         before and won=E2=80=94but we can't afford<br>the risk =
anymore. With the
>         new Congress, we can make sure this never happens<br>again. We =

>         Congress to insulate NPR and PBS from the political=20
>         can make it happen if enough of us sign this petition:=20
>**"Congress must<br>
>save NPR and PBS once and for all. Congress should guarantee =
>         funding and independence from partisan meddling." =
>here will
>         add<br>your name to the petition:<br><br>
>        =20
><br><br>After you sign, please forward this email to your friends, =
>co-workers to keep this campaign going. We'll deliver the petition =
>         members of Congress as they consider Bush's =
budget=E2=80=94offering a=20
>counterpoint to this dangerous attack.<br><br>Congress can protect NPR =
>         from future cuts. The long-term solution to<br>save public =
>         TV is to:<br><br>- fully restore this year's funding<br>-=20
>guarantee a
>         permanent funding stream free from political pressure<br>- =
>         the money is spent and keep partisan appointees =
from<br>pushing a
>         political bias<br><br>Bush's budget would cut federal funds =
>         broadcasting by nearly 25%.<br>1 According to PBS, the cuts=20
>         mean the end of our ability to support<br>some of the most=20
>         educational children's series" like=20
>         "Reading Rainbow," and =
>         telecommunications chair Rep. Ed Markey said, "In a 24-7=20
>         world<br>with content often inappropriate for young children, =
>         public broadcasting<br>system represents an oasis of quality,
>         child-oriented educational<br>programming. We owe America's=20
>         and their parents this free,<br>over-the-air=20
>         The cuts could also decimate one of the last remaining sources =
>         watchdog<br>reporting on TV=E2=80=94continuing the partisan =
war on=20
>         led by the<br>ex-chair of public broadcasting, Ken Tomlinson.3 =

>         people trust public<br>broadcasting than any corporate news=20
>         President Bush would rather<br>undermine our free press than =
>         reporters who are asking tough questions.<br><br>*Let's put an =
>         the constant threats to NPR and PBS. Let's ask Congress<br>to
>         guarantee funding and stop partisan meddling. *Clicking here =
>your name to the petition:<br><br>
>        =20
><br><br>Thank you for all you do.<br><br>=E2=80=93Noah, Marika, Eli, =
Adam G. and=20
>         MoveOn.org Civic Action Team<br>Thursday, February 8th,=20
>         P.S. Our friends at Free Press have more on how to save NPR =
>         once and<br>for all:<br><br>
>        =20
>         1. "Bush Proposes Steep Cut to PBS Funding," TV =
>February 5, 2007<br>
>http://www.tvweek.com/news.cms?newsId=3D11508<br><br>2. PBS' Ready to =
>         program (funds "Sesame Street" and other=20
>http://www.pbs.org/readytolearn/<br><br>3. "Tomlinson Slinks=20
>         MediaCitizen, November 3, 2005<br>
>        =20
><br><br>4. "2005 'Open to the Public' Objectivity and Balance=20
>         Corporation<br>for Public Broadcasting, January 31, 2006<br>
>         http://www.cpb.org/aboutcpb/goals/objectivity/<br>
>         ------------------------------<br><br>*Subscription=20
>         This is a message from MoveOn.org Civic Action. To change your =

>address, update your contact info, or remove yourself (Jody Epstein)=20
>         this list, please visit our subscription management page =
>         =
>       </p>
>     </div>
>     <div>
>       <p>
>         blessed are the flexible for they are never bent out of shape.
>       </p>
>     </div>
>     <div>
>       <p>
>         <br>
>         <br>
>         <br>
>         --<br><br>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<br>
>       </p>
>     </div>
>   </body>
>AUDITIONS for OLIVER! & NINE - Cain Park - February 22-25: Details here =
>Support Neohiopal - learn how here:=20
>Neohiopal is SELF-SERVE. If you need to unsubscribe, change from digest =
>one-at-a-time delivery or vice-versa, go on hiatus while out of town,=20
>switch from mime to plain text or vice-versa, etc. check out the FAQS =
>Disclaimer: The facts and/or opinions expressed in this message are =
>those of the person in the "from" or "reply-to" header. The fact that =
>message is posted should in no way be taken as an endorsement by the=20
>administrator of this list. Subscribers should perform due diligence =
>all goods, services and activities promoted on NEohioPAL.
>NEohioPAL mailing list
>NEohioPAL at lists.fredsternfeld.com

>From predictions to trailers, check out the MSN Entertainment Guide to =
Academy Awards=C2=AE=20

AUDITIONS for OLIVER! & NINE - Cain Park - February 22-25: Details here =
- http://www.cainpark.com/theater_auditions.asp
Support Neohiopal - learn how here: =
Neohiopal is SELF-SERVE. If you need to unsubscribe, change from digest =
to one-at-a-time delivery or vice-versa, go on hiatus while out of town, =
switch from mime to plain text or vice-versa, etc. check out the FAQS at =
Disclaimer: The facts and/or opinions expressed in this message are =
solely those of the person in the "from" or "reply-to" header. The fact =
that this message is posted should in no way be taken as an endorsement =
by the administrator of this list. Subscribers should perform due =
diligence for all goods, services and activities promoted on NEohioPAL.

NEohioPAL mailing list
NEohioPAL at lists.fredsternfeld.com

AUDITIONS for OLIVER! & NINE - Cain Park - February 22-25: Details here =
- http://www.cainpark.com/theater_auditions.asp
Support Neohiopal - learn how here: =
Neohiopal is SELF-SERVE. If you need to unsubscribe, change from digest =
to one-at-a-time delivery or vice-versa, go on hiatus while out of town, =
switch from mime to plain text or vice-versa, etc. check out the FAQS at =
Disclaimer: The facts and/or opinions expressed in this message are =
solely those of the person in the "from" or "reply-to" header. The fact =
that this message is posted should in no way be taken as an endorsement =
by the administrator of this list. Subscribers should perform due =
diligence for all goods, services and activities promoted on NEohioPAL.

NEohioPAL mailing list
NEohioPAL at lists.fredsternfeld.com

More information about the NEohioPAL mailing list